Not dieting ATM!
I was good yesterday, but the scales arent showing it yet! Still 2lb over last weigh in. Shouldnt have any probs today. Rocky Horror was totally fabulous!!! I got a strange kick out of seeing men in basques and suspenders!
I dont want you overdoing it at the gym Diz, you'll make yourself ill! Your body hasn't exercised properly for years, you should be building it gently!
Glad you had a great time at the show and were good yesterday.
I won't be at the gym much now until next week as we are going away tomorrow back on Monday.
Will really try to stop picking. Organisation is the key. Yesterday time seemed to slip by too quickly and then I seem to panic.
Not going to try to fit too much in today. Just home based packing and getting everything ready so the boys can go straight back to school on their return. Do need to try to cut the boys hair this afternoon. I hate the mess that makes!
Have a chap coming around to change a tyre on my car. The tyres are 2 months old and it is dmaged already. It must be a faulty one but we have to by a new one. They will send it backk to goodyear and if they say it faulty they'll refund us. I'll be furious
Will write up my breakfast now.
You be good today too!
Dizzy x