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I am a fellow PCOS suffer! Great to hear about the IPL. About 8 years ago I really got to grips with my weight and I cannot say how much it helped my symptoms. It took me 5 years to get pregnant with my son ( and incidentally I fell at my lowest weight). Two years after I had shed the baby weight and bingo - pregnant with my daughter. It's interesting as the weight is slowly creeping on ( not awful but 1.5 stone since lightest) and all my symptoms are creeping back - the hair, lack of periods, greasy hair. So, I made the decision today to get back on it. It is a lifelong battle and even tougher for those of us with PCOS but I know how amazing it feels to slip into a size 10. I wish I had of tackled it years ago but starting is the thing! Best of luck girls and am always here to support you xxx
Do you attribute your PCOS to your weight? Because I definitely feel as my weights increased my symptoms have too (hair, irregular periods, acne). My Dr told me that apparently they think around 1 in 4 women have PCOS but are undiagnosed because their symptoms barely affect them which gave me some hope as I'm very worried about not being able to get pregnant. Thank you for your post, it's given me hope