I'm 22 and I've always had irregular periods... However I haven't had a period since May and I started to grow hair under my chin and stomach so about a month ago I went to my Doctor and he checked my blood but everything came back fine, he also referred me to the hospital for a scan which showed that I do infact have Polycystic ovaries... He explained that this is probably part of the reason why I find it hard to loose weight so he's now prescribed Orlistat (Xenical) to help kick start my diet.
I realise that you can't treat PCSO's... The only thing that worries me is not being able to have children when I decide I'm ready....
I'm also 22 and found out last year unexpectedly while suffering from Pancreatitis. My boyfriend and I know we want kids, and it was really upsetting for a while, not knowing whether or not we will be able without complications. I was basically told "If you don't want kids yet then just try to lose weight, come back when you do", which wasn't exactly helpful! Although it did help me to kick start my weight loss, and I'm doing okay. I've been following slimmm/celebrity slim and managed to lose just over 3 stone, then I hurt my back and couldn't move around much for a month, and I'm ashamed to say I spent most of that time comfort eating.
The main problem was...it was painful walking to the bathroom, and while following the shakes weight loss plan you drink a lot of water and go to the bathroom a lot, I gave up following the shakes and managed to put on 11lbs. I'm now back onto my shakes and feeling good, but am still worried about the pcos.
I had very irregular (if any) periods for years, but for the last 3 years or so they've been very regular, which the specialist told me was a good sign!
But...the hair!!! I hate hate hate it. I try to keep on top of it, and my boyfriend said it doesn't bother him, but I do worry sometimes! I spoke to the specialist about the hair during a consultation, I'd done my research and asked him about Vaniqa, he said as it's expensive they try to only prescribe it to those who really need it but if I felt I needed it I could have it, and I didn't feel my hair growth was enough to warrant it back then, and really I suppose it's not, but man some days I want it, lol.
What are your results of the Xenical like? I'm worried to try anything medical for weight loss because of the side effects.