Do you have PCOS?

Where can you get water retention tablets from hun? x

I'm still reading (can't sleep!!) to see what side effects there are, but you can get them from supermarkets! They're a herbal remedy I believe, and only £2 at asda so think I'll give them a go and see if they help at all. Before my stomach explodes from bloatedness! Lol


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I'm still reading (can't sleep!!) to see what side effects there are, but you can get them from supermarkets! They're a herbal remedy I believe, and only £2 at asda so think I'll give them a go and see if they help at all. Before my stomach explodes from bloatedness! Lol

Yeah, I was reading up on them too before I went to bed, apparently they can cause kidney problems if you don't actually have excess water? :/
Slimming world never worked for me. Low carb all the way :) now I'm doing meal replacement and I am 1lb away from an overweight BMI which is when I can get fertility treatment.. Don't give up :) x
Yeah, I was reading up on them too before I went to bed, apparently they can cause kidney problems if you don't actually have excess water? :/

Ooh really? Will I wouldn't wanna take them all the time, just ovulation and TOTM I guess when I know I do retain water.

But I guess I can keep trying to drink more water and fix it naturally >.<
I have it too. I was diagnosed years ago.
My heart breaks for the people who haven't been able to have children. Don't ever lose hope. xx
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I also have PCOS, I am on metformin 3 x a day. Don't know if it doing much good but then again don't know what I would have been like if I have not been on it. The excessive hair is the main thing that gets me down but the doctor has referred me to a laser surgery clinic, I have an appointment in August, hopefully it will be sorted. Just trying to get my weight under control now :)
Hello. My name is Shellie and I was diagnosed with PCOS in November last year. At the time it absolutely gutted me and I was an emotional wreck for a while after. Much better now as my periods are much more regular after loosing 2 stone and taking metformin 3 times daily. Still working hard to get my BMI right down to allow us to start fertility treatment. Just thought I would share some of my story as I would love to meet people in the same situation as me. :) xx
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It has inspired me to not give up hope as we have been trying to conceive for 5 years with no luck. Xx
I also have pcos the doctor put me on metformin and I conceived my daughter after two years of taking this I swear this helped a lot as I had been trying years previously with no luck. My periods are terrible I stopped taking it , my current doctor wants me to lose three stone before he will prescribe it to me again
I have PCOS. I'm 32, was diagnosed last year, but I haven't had periods since I was 27. The things I find most difficult to deal with are the weight gain, and I suffer from hair loss. I'll go through stages where my hair will just shed and get really thin, I often get a very thin, almost bald patch on one side at the front. It does grow back, but is a pain for ages as loads is really short and just sticks up. I get cramps sometimes, and I had to have a complex tumor investigated earlier in the year which was not fun. They sent me to a female cancer specialist, but luckily it wasn't cancerous! Scary though.

I have lost some weight, but hoping to get down to a "healthy" weight to help my PCOS.
Hi all - I have 'mild' PCOS' - I had bad acne as a teenager and had to resort to roaccutane to cure it, my period has never been regular since it first started at age 11. I have excess hair on the back of my thighs and have a random patch on my neck. I struggled to have a baby for over 2 years and through fertility specialists a HSG scan must have cleared something as I fell pregnant 2 weeks later. I am on SW just now and really do see my periods regulate when I lose weight. X
I have pcos, i was diagnosed at 14 and told i wouldnt be able to conceive without help.... Iv gone on to have two children completely naturally and got pregnant quickly both times, it has however destroyed my self confidence as i have excess hair growth in places i shouldnt and my weight has been a massive issue also and iv struggled with it since my teens, i went through years of bingeing then starving yoyoing between 8st and going up to 15st, this time was really bad and i ended up at 17st i lost 3st but started bingeing again, luckily i only put on 7lb.
I have reached a point where im tired of my weight fluctuating and the pco being irritated because of it so have decided its time to sort myself out!
Iv started healthy eating and so far have lost the 7lb and looking forward to shifting the 4st and changing my lifestyle to a healthier one.
Im doing this for my children as well as for myself, im terrified of them picking up my problems with food and going through the same struggles i have.
I also know that pco can be passed down to me daughter and i want her to have a healthy diet right from the start so that if i have passed on the pco she doesnt have the bad diet and weight issues that go with it.
Anyway i wish all here much luck with thier dieting and baby blessings for those losing weight to try conceive.
I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4yrs ago now. I have pretty bad cysts and one of my tubes is partially blocked (I still remember screaming out in pain when having the HSG!) I have always had irregular cycles since I can remember, I also have very dark thick hair. My weight is another thing that has also been an issue as I can gain very quickly.
I have PCOS. Was diagnosed and never told for 5 years, I recently discovered by my GP! Yet my GP was very vague on what it was (Currently moving surgery).. :/
What are the symptoms though? I don't have acne, or lots of hair.. I am however a plus size lady (Currently on SW), and I haven't had a period in more than 6 years (again GP refuses to help me says its weight related) are these symptoms? My husband and I are trying for a child, have been for just over 1 year now, and nothing happening. :(
Symptoms can vary from person to person. One person with PCOS could have just excess hair while other could just have irregular periods while someone else could have excess hair, acne, be over weight and have regular periods. It really depends! It does seem it has a wide range of showing up.
I too was told my periods stopping was down to weight but I would now confidently call that poppycock. I am my lowest weight since I was 16 but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had my period in the past 2yrs.
Was it a male or female dr you saw? I ended up seeing a female doctor who was a lot more sympathetic and helpful then her male counterpart.
Thank you for replying ETanny. :)
I tried to explain to my GP (I moved away from old home, far away and this new GP is terrible) that 'dysfunctional' periods run in my family. All the woman in my family have had something wrong with their periods (from none, to too heavy a period, to once every few months etc...)
It was a man, Dr. Horn. Would not recommend him to anyone. Old and can't seem to be bothered to do his job. I don't visit GP often, if I don't have to, but when I do, he is useless! I'm switching surgery's as we speak to one in the next village. I'll ask to see a Lady GP, thank you :) x
i have it too!!! lol
yes the excess hair is the worst - i have had intensed pulsed light treatment done (IPL) and its great as i now tie my hair up and its more or less all gone!!!!!!! its approx £100 a session for a full face and neck. you probably need it every 5-6 weeks. Go somewhere were others recommend. I have fine hair everywhere. In terms of the acne - i use dianette. I came off it and the spots were back and there was defo more hair in other areas so i demanded to go back on despite the side effects. I really would recommend the IPL. I had some done on my chin 8 yrs ago and they never came back so i dount they will and had more done recently and i just wish i had done sooner. Get your gp to refer you to the dermatologist for your skin. thats what happened to me and the dermatologist got me sent for a scan that confirmed it. yes losing weight helps with some of thesymptoms, but dianette helps with my acne and does slow down the hair growth. I carry all my weight on my tummy and my back - bra strap area... hate it but thats normal for us pcos suffferers.
If you have any queries just ask or wanna know more about the ipl i can remommend one in lancashire. I was not happy with the one i went to in my home city as i ended up with a small burn on my bikini line - i did not start with face just to be 100% sure. so soughtout the one in blackburn and never looked back since. my friends also use that one too.
good luck and go and speak to your gp if youre worried or push with the acne meds and he/ she will get sick of you and refer you to a dermatologist. hope your symptoms are managed...does take a while
sabina x

this is a fantastic bit of info, I currently have PCOS and have hair on my chin and lip, about 6 stone over weight and just fed up with everything at the minute, I have been asked by my new doctor to start on Provera to start my periods as I NEVER have them?! Then they are going to run some tests and refer me, I never seem to get any help so hoping these docs actually do something, I really want some kind of referral for my hair laser would be good. Are you on any kind of diet also? I am going to start slimming world as I really want to try for a baby and need to lose weight, thanks again for any advise :)
I am a fellow PCOS suffer! Great to hear about the IPL. About 8 years ago I really got to grips with my weight and I cannot say how much it helped my symptoms. It took me 5 years to get pregnant with my son ( and incidentally I fell at my lowest weight). Two years after I had shed the baby weight and bingo - pregnant with my daughter. It's interesting as the weight is slowly creeping on ( not awful but 1.5 stone since lightest) and all my symptoms are creeping back - the hair, lack of periods, greasy hair. So, I made the decision today to get back on it. It is a lifelong battle and even tougher for those of us with PCOS but I know how amazing it feels to slip into a size 10. I wish I had of tackled it years ago but starting is the thing! Best of luck girls and am always here to support you xxx