Evening all. Well done to everyone fasting today - we are nearly there! My usual plan of eating in the evening has gone to pot today as I was in work so ended up caving and going to the nice butty van. Was very good though I usually get a giant (and they are huge) egg mayo salad which probably is at least 1000kcals (I've not had one since being off work - they are amazing!) anyhow I opted for a small ham salad sandwich with no dressing so from Mfp I reckon it came out at about 450! The trouble is now I really want to eat and I can't til tomorrow aghhhh! Can't even use my daytime trick of drinking diet coke coz then I won't get to sleep boooo! Herbal tea it is! I've got the great British menu recorded and really wanna watch it but that may make me hungrier! Why do I watch all these food program's? Punishment! The boy is finally asleep and the other half is out for a meal (well jealous) its quite sad that I'm looking forwards to an early night! Don't know how I'm gonna cope when I have to go back to work full time I'm knackered after one day hahaha!
1lb off this morning woohoo! I know it's only a small amount but I've really not been watching what I eat on food days so I'm really please with that! And I've not done much exercise other than the squatsI am a bit worried about Easter weekend and working 2 days next week though not sure when I'm gonna fast - aiming for Monday and Thursday but that remains to be seen. Going to eat as normal today and then try and do some mini fasts over the weekend if I can (ie just skip a couple of meals to compensate for badness haha) good look to everyone fasting today x x x
Well, sticking to my limit today might be harder than I thought. My boss just asking me to check everything was "ok" in the conference room for our meeting later...........
Well, sticking to my limit today might be harder than I thought. My boss just asking me to check everything was "ok" in the conference room for our meeting later...........
It won't help today but have you tried caffeine free diet coke? We drink that instead of any other and you don't get the side effect s of caffeine. All cokes are on offer at morrisons at the moment. They usually only have a small section for caffeine free and it's often hidden at the back of the bottom shelf but my local one does stock it.
Good luck with the rest of the evening!