I found the same.. doing the 5:2 worked for the first few weeks, and then kinda just stopped, so i figured it was better for maintenance really. (for my body anyways - everyones is different)
Back on this thread for this month however as it is 'Shravan' month for Hindu's and I am fasting the whole month. Not so much like Ramadan as its just partial fasts or what some dieters may call the Warrior Fast/Diet or the Daniel Fast, whereby I can eat fruit and nuts, tea water and milk (and for Hindu's special indian sweets) then for my main meal I have to sit down plate up sprinkle water over my food to bless it, eat and then wash my hands in my plate. As soon as I stand up my fast continues till the next evening meal the next day.
Yday was my first fast day and I am down 2lbs already :| Feeling pretty normal today apart from a little more hungry then normal, but I have had a cup of tea and some peanuts so that has settled down. I assume after a week this will go away as my stomach will probably shrink a little. The good thing about this is that as it is long term (30 days) doing a partial fast means I can still get in around 1200 cals a day therefore not really subjecting my body to starvation mode.
And if not for Weight Loss, fasting has a ridiculous amount of health benefits and healing properties, mainly because when we eat 70% of our energy is used to digest our food, so whilst fasting as our energy and cells are not required to digest food, they can focus on healing the body of other impurities or problems. Not only this is reduces the amount of cell redevelopment as they are able to heal themselves, thus slowing down the aging process!
Info overload there.. haha sorry!

anyways I shall keep all posted about my 30 day fast