Doing 5:2 From Home ;D

I take it back - just weighed myself before getting in the bath (thinking to myself this is a stupid idea I'm always heavier in the evening) but I've lost 2lbs apparently! That's greatly improved my pretty crappy mood (got a speeding ticket today well angry with myself - sneaky cops on the motorway) fingers crossed that stays off til weigh in on Friday:)

Ooh 2lbs is great! Everyone seriously needs to stop mid-week weighing though :p Can sooo damage your outlook on things if you've STS or gained between official WI - those sneaky little peaks don't count!! x
First fasting day tomorrow, can't wait! Have to go to dentist for root canal so prob won't want to eat anyway!!

Everyone feeling ok? :)
It helps me stay on track, I think I'd go crazy without my mid-week weighs!

2lbs is great :D I would love to lose that this week!

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MrsB2B - if your diary settings are set to private then no one can see your diary. Mine were private & I've just changed it to friends :)

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Hey everyone can I join in? Notmally a slimming weld girl but decided to give 5:2 a go :) first fast day today has totalled 512 calories and it wasn't to bad slightly hungry and headachy but could be worse! Planning on loosely following slimming world on "feast" days and input into Mfp just so I don't go mad as I don't know what "normal" is lol. Hope everyone has a good week! X
MrsB2B - if your diary settings are set to private then no one can see your diary. Mine were private & I've just changed it to friends :)

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I've just changed my settings. Your diary for today looks yummy!! Hopefully we can eat nice things and still lose weight! :)
MrsB2B - if your diary settings are set to private then no one can see your diary. Mine were private & I've just changed it to friends :)

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I've just changed my settings.
Your diary for today looks yummy! :)
My username on MFP is the same as on here if anyone wants to add me. :)
Have my second fast day tomorrow.

Planning to have my coffee when I get up and then manage as long as I can on water and herbal tea. Am going to the cinema for a double bill in the evening (Oz at 5pm, then Cloud Atlas at 8pm), so going to do a low cal picnic to take with me:

Have a packet of slim pasta, am going to do it with some mediterreanean veggies in a balsamic tomato sauce, will take it to eat cold as my cinema snack along with a bag of chopped ready to cook (eat raw) veggies, and (if I get to a supermarket) a pot of low cal jelly. Also gonna do a pot of low cal fruit salad (Melon, blueberries, raspberries, mandarin) to take. Will buy a bottle of water to drink.

I'm hoping by planning like this I will be ok with what is going to be a lateish night.
Good morning :) I have just set up a mfp, what a good little app! If you want to add me you can find me by e-mail address which is [email protected].

Today is first fasting day, last ate at 7 last night and am going to attempt to hold off food until around 3pm today, had a coffee this morning and will be mostly drinking lemon and ginger in hot water for the rest if the day.

Well done ladies that have already fasted and now can feast ( well within reason! )
Eeek here goes day 2 of fasting! Haven't woken up hungry this time so that's a bonus :) planning on eating around 1pm, last time I ate was 7.30pm last night so it'll be 17.5 hours by the time I have my yummy lunch!
Should have a relatively busy day, will be drinking lots of water, then I'm off shopping tonight after work so I've got an Alpen light if I get hungry about 5pm, by the time I get home it'll be 7.30ish so I'm just going to have some shredded wheat fruitful and an options hot choc & have a lovely hot bath then go to bed! :D I'll only have used 428 cals so I do have some leeway for a bit of fruit at some point if i want it.

Wicca - I accidentally pressed ignore not accept on your MFP request so if you send it again I'll not be quite so silly and press the right button!

Good luck anyone else fasting today :)

And also, everyone's welcome to join, always nice to see new faces :)

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Have a good day :) seems you have everything planned. Think I will go for a salad tonight as I am planning on a small snack around 3, perhaps a low fat cuppa soup, any suggestions of a tasty one? :)
Hi - mind if I join!

I was doing SW from home too!
Been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and I've lost 8lbs - it's so easy! Sometimes I do 3 fast days a week.
I'm now below my original target weight of 10st 7 so I'm not sure whether to try and lose a few more lbs and get to 10st.
I'm fasting today - so much easier when I'm at work!

Have a great day everyone

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Wow that's really good, I'm planning on doing 5:2 until April & see how it's gone for me as to whether I carry it on. Weigh In tomorrow, bit excited.
Think I've added you all now x

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Morning. Wow mrs t that's great losses - very inspiring to keep going with this plan. Welcome to everyone else too. I'm only part fasting today (since lunchtime yesterday) so decided to make today my weigh in day (also because I think my fast days next week will be mon and weds as I'm in work tues and thurs and can't be bothered explaining to everyone I'm on yet another diet - so ill weigh in next thurs as well after my second fast) I've also chosen today coz the scales show I'm 10st 7 this morning (3lb loss) and that's the lowest I've been since having my baby woohoo! Going to be eating normally from 7 today til my next fast on Monday so really hoping that stays off next week (will try and stop with the mid week weighing I know it's bad:) going to try and stay under 1800 on each day which food wise isn't a problem it's the cider and wine that call to me at the weekends that alway tip me over the edge haha! I'm also having friends round on sat for a kind of tea party so cakes and wine are a definite then. Hopefully will get out for a couple of runs to counteract the badness:) Good luck to everyone fasting today x x
well done on the 3lb loss!! Ooo and so many new faces! Its great 5:2 is becoming more popular, on my second week and im loving it! Especially the SW and 5:2 combo!! As I said on my diary, i somehow dont feel as bad when i go over my syns on a SW day because i know I have 2 fast days during the week to draw it back a little but having SW still keeps me on track and doesnt allow me to go completely crazy!! Am craving a maccies this weekend tho! mmm!
Down 1lb today! This weeks a bit slower but i blame the fact ill be starting my period next week! lol hope your all well! todays 2nd fast day of the week, so far not eaten since yday at 7pm and just about to have a chocomilk because im freezing! Not planning on eating until about 7pm and i have no idea what im going to have! Might make some pasta or might have some fishfingers! lol
So it's 12.30 and I've fasted for 17 hours & I'm about to have my pasta lunch. Smells delicious and for 185 cals it's well worth it! The pic shows its actually more than you would think.

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