Beatthefat! said:EEEK ive been soooo bad this week and weekend burger pizza cake bacon sannies you name it ive had it but managed to lose a pound how i did that i do not know!! how did everyone else get on? my mates came down so got a lil side tracked but being good all this week and next to make up for it!!xx
Purpled said:Oh I just saw this on another thread and love the idea. Let's set treats. They don't have to be expensive, I'm just child free and don't spend much. It can be something as small as 'new bubble bath and a long hot soak alone' or 'a girly pamper session'
Start 179
175 - New running trainers
170 - Bare minerals makeup set
165 - Manicure
160 - Haircut and highlights
155 - Sexy Underwear set
150 - New Gym clothes
147 - £200 shopping spree
liliferjade said:Treat yourself GeoI've booked my holiday pampering session so I've got to get to target now! xxx
Beatthefat! said:hows everyone feeling about this week? im feeling very positive alot of my clothes are getting loser and i really do feel like somethings came off! (sounds silly) but just feeling that little better about myself! hopefully a good loss this week probably wont be able to update this week as i go to my friends tomorrow for the week but will try!xxx