Thanks JennyTechnically you're never cured, but you can go into remission with it, so it lays dormant - sometimes for the rest of your life - which is good
Ok, so here goes day 1 of getting back onto the plan.... Apart from the fact I had my last graze box for breakfast D: That'll be the last non-SW thing though haha, I swear!! Really looking forward to getting back into it and cooking some good food
Laura94B said:I'm good thanks, Charlit's called a capsule endoscopy which is basically where you swallow a camera the size of a large pill, and wear a recording pack (looks like a 'fanny pack' as american's call them) and the capsule takes photos the whole way through your digestive system. Apparently it's quite popular now, but when I first had it I was the 8th to ever have it, I think ;D It's apparently better at finding Crohn's Disease than normal endoscopys and since my mum, older brother, nan and great nan all have/had it, they're almost convinced I have it, just need proof haha. Currently they're saying I have a rare disorder called eosyniphillic collitis, which is such a frustrating diagnosis as there's barely anything anyone knows about it, so there's not much they can do. It went well today though, just a bit painful when it finally hit my stomach as I hadn't ate in over 36 hours... Done now though
Apparently because of all the holidays and everything, I won't get the results until Sept though :O
Things with the family are good, everyone's back to acting like normal, still a bit bitter about it all though haha... Nevermind! Grandad's in hospital now too! What is my family like... He's fine though, and should be out soonxx
xTillyx said:Hey Girls!!
Hope everyones ok!! So my friend decided she wanted to start Slimming World and wanted me to motivate her so encouraged me to join class until we get into the swing of things! So I joined last night! So if anyone needs to know how many syns in things etc just let me know as soon I should have my head fully round everything and have the online facilities now!
Fingers crossed this is what I need to finally lose my 1/2 stone and more! Even tho I'll be starting from scratch basically joining the class but I'll know I've still lost that 6.5lbs on my own that's to u guys!
Good Luck all x
I've got a list of ready meal syns up, which days are we looking for??
Have you all seen the 5lb fat photo, it's totally inspiring, I've lost nearly 4 of them and when you look at it that way it's totally something to be proud of. Xx
The Tesco Light Choices Cheese n Tomato Pasta (chilled) is only 1.5 syns! I love them! Wonder how much the Mushroom Pasta Is coz I love that and I add chicken or Quorn chicken to it it's lovely! Will have a look n let u know! X