Gold Member
Hey!! Welcome to the little crew
If you're doing EE try to have 1/3 Superfree on your plate as well as the free, it kinda works best as the point of Superfree is to cut back your portions of meat/carbs without you noticing too much. If you eat kinda normal meals then have fruit after you arent really doing it right, I always just bang loads of veg into what I cook then make a salad and put the salad or veg onto my plate first then the others after, always means I know I've done the 1/3 properly. You should definitely try and have your hex's as they mean your gettin just enough dairy/fibre to keep your diet balanced. I tend to just do a salad with everything but try out different ones so it's not just the same thing every night. Soups are great for Superfree, and work as you can make batches and take them to work in a flask, if your struggling with your hexB you could take some alpen lights with you to snack on there too. I make Greek salads loads so use my hexA on light feta a lot.
If you go onto the food diaries thread and start one of your own it's like the most helpful dieting tool, I love mine, if you have a camera phone start a photo one so people can advise you on portions and what your eating, plus you get kinda proud of your concoctions too, I think we all love making nice food on this thread
plus when you track your foods (and how your feeling) it helps you pinpoint things that work really well for you. With the carbs thing it depends on the person, I can't eat carbs at every meal so I limit, but some people can, which is why the food diaries useful again as if you aren't losing it might be that.
Anyway, god sorry i waffle right on! Good luck, everyone can help u if you get stuck. Xx
If you're doing EE try to have 1/3 Superfree on your plate as well as the free, it kinda works best as the point of Superfree is to cut back your portions of meat/carbs without you noticing too much. If you eat kinda normal meals then have fruit after you arent really doing it right, I always just bang loads of veg into what I cook then make a salad and put the salad or veg onto my plate first then the others after, always means I know I've done the 1/3 properly. You should definitely try and have your hex's as they mean your gettin just enough dairy/fibre to keep your diet balanced. I tend to just do a salad with everything but try out different ones so it's not just the same thing every night. Soups are great for Superfree, and work as you can make batches and take them to work in a flask, if your struggling with your hexB you could take some alpen lights with you to snack on there too. I make Greek salads loads so use my hexA on light feta a lot.
If you go onto the food diaries thread and start one of your own it's like the most helpful dieting tool, I love mine, if you have a camera phone start a photo one so people can advise you on portions and what your eating, plus you get kinda proud of your concoctions too, I think we all love making nice food on this thread
Anyway, god sorry i waffle right on! Good luck, everyone can help u if you get stuck. Xx