Hi, i seen that a lot of ppl have talked about exercising while dieting, i do none so will have to start but wonderes what shreding? Or am i reading it wrong and ita not actually an exercise lol xx
The 30 day shred is an exercise dvd, it's a 30 day plan, quite tough I think! Not tried it myself :)

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Just cooked sw chicken pizza melts from mag for my boys and they are wolfing it down! A real hit, does look yummy. They love pizza but I don't like them eating a lot of it, not healthy etc so now I've found this, result!! Will do it again for all of us, love sw for all the family :)

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Just cooked sw chicken pizza melts from mag for my boys and they are wolfing it down! A real hit, does look yummy. They love pizza but I don't like them eating a lot of it, not healthy etc so now I've found this, result!! Will do it again for all of us, love sw for all the family :)

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I absolutely love pizza, can you let me know the recipe for this and syns etc? Thanks x
It was lovely, no bread tho!

Basically, butterfly a chicken breast, spread passata (I used tom puree mixed with tom ketchup as for the kids), then layer whatever toppings you like. I put peppers, mushrooms, bacon and cheese on top. Fry light round the edges, put on foil and wrap it around the edges to catch the juices. Oven 190c for 20-25mins then grill for 2-3mins to brown up. If you don't add ketchup and use cheese as hexa, it would be free on ee (with salad/veg) and red.


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I can't motivate myself :( I am so down at the moment, and I'm put off by the weather and I am getting inclined to be lazy, it's so awful!! Ideally want to be doing boxercise if I can find one online but I can't push myself.

On an unrelated note, as always, *basically* I am letting my love life take over my head because I am a pathetic sap!! And it's a rut I can never get out of unless I get what I want but I don't know what to do!!

But now I've glued myself to my house, I'm not leaving tonight. Keep wanting to eat but not needing to - I have stayed strong thus far but HOW ON EARTH can I distract myself tonight to keep away?! Of course, I'll have dinner, but not yet! Been craving food since about half an hour after lunch, it's so awful! Banned myself from the kitchen, haven't been in.

Just really need some help :(
Clean your teeth and then paint your nails so you can't touch the food! Paint your toe nails, then you have to sit still!

It's really tough tho, esp when you have other crap going on. I really understand, as do most peeps probably! Is it a tricky relationship you're in? I know how easy it is to turn to food, try and stay strong. At least if you stick to plan, the lack of exercise won't be too bad. I understand the lack of motivation there!! We're here for you, rant away! :)

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I defo recommend doing your nails, like Jen suggested, I am obsessive over not smudging mine so it's a good motivator not to touch anything, including food! And sit and type out a big rant on here to us if it helps :)

Oh my god guys, Slimming World friendly pumpkin cake/bread stuff is in the oven and smells absolutely amazing... Taking all my willpower not to take it out early and demolish the whole thing haha!
Like jen said, do as many non food related things as poss, go and run a nice bath and do things to treat yourself, when you pamper yourself it totally builds your confidence in what you've already lost, put on a facemask, or go through your make-up and chuck away crap you don't use, or old clothes, or do that thing you've been meaning to do for ages but put off, and before you know it you're totally engrossed and an hour or 2 has gone by.

My new pass the time task is cutting SW recipes I like or want to try out the book and putting them all in a file, I'm pretty OCD so they have to be in certain orders, this in itself takes a lot of time (however my time should be going on Uni work!)

Relationships are super hard, and I think the season changes totally effect how I am with my bf, I just want to lock myself away and not come out til spring. We're all here to help :) xx
I know it is difficult to get away from eating when you are emotionally tangled but it is almost a matter of practice to train yourself not to go to food when upset or angery. It will take time but take smal steps. Buy a lot of fruits and make a big pan of superfree soup. Then when you want to eat you can have a bowl of soup or a piece of fruit. Also try to turn the situation around and tell yourself that you are beaten by this stituation and stronger than your opponent (without malice) then you feel yourself calmer and not needing to reach for food.

As I said intially it is hard but it is like chipping at a big block - but you get through it eventually. Also when you feel in theat situation come on here and talk to us. We are all hear to support you to get thrugh and lose the weight.

Good luck.

I would either have dinner early or find something to do. Clean a room, and set yourself a list of tasks, and you aren't "allowed" to eat until you've finished the list.

I've literally just blitzed the house a few days ago. Man, it's annoying :(

Clean your teeth and then paint your nails so you can't touch the food! Paint your toe nails, then you have to sit still!

It's really tough tho, esp when you have other crap going on. I really understand, as do most peeps probably! Is it a tricky relationship you're in? I know how easy it is to turn to food, try and stay strong. At least if you stick to plan, the lack of exercise won't be too bad. I understand the lack of motivation there!! We're here for you, rant away! :)

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Don't really want to go into it but it's just all mixed up in my head, concerns people not one other (that sounds seedy, it's seriously not!) It's sent me the other way normally as in I've been NOT eating out of distress so this has really thrown me. Both are awful and so unhealthy, I know, but it's confusing :S I know I seem like I'm making excuses but I'm abroad ie minimal packing and don't have nail varnish with me!

This is the first time yet in four/five-ish months that I've felt the urge to go towards food, it's so weird. Got a 2l bottle of chilled water so have decided I'm not allowed dinner until that's down me.

Laura - been annoyed with some of the situ for a while, ranting won't do it :( in two minds to talk it out and not talk it out but I generally do the latter.

charl - great idea! was given some facepack-type-survival-pack thing before I left which I havent touched yet! And then I havent properly butchered my magazines to stick in my slimming journal yet *score*, I have stuff to do :D THANKS!
I know it is difficult to get away from eating when you are emotionally tangled but it is almost a matter of practice to train yourself not to go to food when upset or angery. It will take time but take smal steps. Buy a lot of fruits and make a big pan of superfree soup. Then when you want to eat you can have a bowl of soup or a piece of fruit. Also try to turn the situation around and tell yourself that you are beaten by this stituation and stronger than your opponent (without malice) then you feel yourself calmer and not needing to reach for food.

As I said intially it is hard but it is like chipping at a big block - but you get through it eventually. Also when you feel in theat situation come on here and talk to us. We are all hear to support you to get thrugh and lose the weight.

Good luck.


I realise I've just posted so I'll just reiterate on this post, I haven't yet turned to food, not while I've been on the plan anyway. If I've been upset I've fasted. Which is really not conductive I know and I'm trying to get out of it recently...but yes, no resorting to food. It can't be good that I'm still associating my diet/food with that though, oops.

Thank you, they're really kind words. Really appreciate the support provided here :)
No worries love, although if I can say something, and I hope you don't think i'm speaking completely out of turn, I never really talk about how I feel when it matters, I store everything up and it eats away inside, my fears/anger/a lot of repressed feelings of rubbishness from childhood etc etc, and I always used to turn to my friend the foods. The ones that niggle in your head when you feel down. And if you're like me which you might not be at all, and you never really talk it out you let it build up then I dunno if you can get past the turning to food thing, I honestly think I don't emotionally eat anymore, I've finally got past it, I did a vlcd which didn't let me emotionally eat, and when I did it I started communicating a hell of a lot more, the amount of times I've ranted on this forum when I've felt down and I can totally talk to my partner more now too. It really really helps to battle with food demons when you don't need them as a crutch for not talking things through.

I am so sorry if this sounds preachy or patronising, its soooo not meant that way, its just how I got over my issues with food, I eat when I'm hungry now, like proper hunger, and yes I go off plan and stuff but I still always know I'm not eating emotionally or not eating, after like 20 years of doing it I kinda think I'm done with it now, but talking it out def is the key. xx
One thing to bear in mind is that on this plan is that the more you eat the more you lose - obviously of the right food and until you are satisfied. There is no reason to fast becacuse if you do so your body goes to famine and uses stored energy and when you break your fast, it goes in a panic mode and wants to replace the lost energy and eat more - then you put on more weight.
Subbing this thread as I am too going it alone at home. :)
Reason being I just can't afford the prices of going to group weekly, and I do well on my own done it before :D x
Welcome. You get a lot of support here.
Thank you :)
i've been on the forum earlier this year everyones great helps me stick to the diet this forum does! :)
No worries love, although if I can say something, and I hope you don't think i'm speaking completely out of turn, I never really talk about how I feel when it matters, I store everything up and it eats away inside, my fears/anger/a lot of repressed feelings of rubbishness from childhood etc etc, and I always used to turn to my friend the foods. The ones that niggle in your head when you feel down. And if you're like me which you might not be at all, and you never really talk it out you let it build up then I dunno if you can get past the turning to food thing, I honestly think I don't emotionally eat anymore, I've finally got past it, I did a vlcd which didn't let me emotionally eat, and when I did it I started communicating a hell of a lot more, the amount of times I've ranted on this forum when I've felt down and I can totally talk to my partner more now too. It really really helps to battle with food demons when you don't need them as a crutch for not talking things through.

I am so sorry if this sounds preachy or patronising, its soooo not meant that way, its just how I got over my issues with food, I eat when I'm hungry now, like proper hunger, and yes I go off plan and stuff but I still always know I'm not eating emotionally or not eating, after like 20 years of doing it I kinda think I'm done with it now, but talking it out def is the key. xx

No, no, you're absolutely right. And normally I would just vent but I don't feel ready. In the past 18 months or so I've had some trouble and it's just taken me from being a really open person to keeping it all bolted up - unhealthy but it would make me feel so uncomfortable to disclose stuff, particularly in a public forum, I'm afraid. I don't think I could let it get so far that I'd wished I'd done something beforehand. For the first time in my life I'm not resorting to food though - I'm thinking about it, yes, but I'm holding off
One thing to bear in mind is that on this plan is that the more you eat the more you lose - obviously of the right food and until you are satisfied. There is no reason to fast becacuse if you do so your body goes to famine and uses stored energy and when you break your fast, it goes in a panic mode and wants to replace the lost energy and eat more - then you put on more weight.

I couldn't agree with you more, not just for the plan but for any eating. My fasting has only happened a few times during the last few weeks and when it happens, it won't last more than a day and I don't gorge when I go back on it. I'm working on getting back to normal eating though - I've managed a good 12+ weeks of healthy eating without fasting so I know I can do it, I'm just weaning myself back onto it...

Thanks, both :)
Haha no worries :D
Thank you! x