Not that it matters cause you've decided - but I agree, skinny jeans, baggy top

I'd love to be a 12 in bottoms! You've really done well
Aw Thanks Charl

Tempted to change to chinese now as I need a bit of a binge

Just been to see my Nannie and Grandad and it hadn't really sunk in how ill he has gotten in the last 3 months until tonight - my nannie woke him up to say happy birthday, he nodded to say he wanted to see us, smiled and turned to look at us but his head literally dropped and he fell straight back to sleep. He hasn't even got the energy to hold his head up! I got really upset and just feel horrible, and I know that doesn't mean I should turn to food, but I'm just at a '**** it' stage

Want to cry so bad but I rarely do and I'd feel stupid for it, as my parents seem to have just accepted that he's not going to get better and are just thankful me and my siblings got to know him in the 17 years since the big stroke.
Euughh! Hate feeling emotional

Doesn't help that my ear is still playing up so I feel sick and the whole world spins every time I move! So bloody frustrating!
Sorry for the rant! xx