I had tried a couple of green days but I just felt bloated so didn't look too far into them as I'm better on limited carbs both weight loss and bodywise..

Well crappy two days again foodwise, lost the two pound I put on last week which I know think was due to my period coming so back to where I started two weeks ago:rolleyes:

Off plan today as it's my Birthday;) so the plan is lunch I think well thats what the kids I think are plotting, then nibbles tonight with a dvd and hopefully some wine and the champagne I hinted about having..

Todays mission to not stress about the plan and not to drink too much :p

Back on plan tomorrow, with an added incentive, I've found out my best friend has started slimming world and there is no way I'm going to let him loose more weight than me on the plan that is not going to happen:tongue: so I want to get back to my goal weight by Christmas now;)
Happy birthday. Have a lovely day and enjoy your big day. And you'll be there by christmas.
Hi guys, I'm new to slimming world and started from home a week last Monday. I was using the guide from the magazine and don't have any books, but have read this entire thread:) which is awesome! The mag said to have 10syns daily, I wonder is this just a kick starter figure? as I see you guys talking about 15.

I am doing ee by the way.

Also I only have half a stone to lose now, so I wonder whether I should stick to 10syns? What would u guys advise? As I would like more syns if i could;)!hax
Hi guys, I'm new to slimming world and started from home a week last Monday. I was using the guide from the magazine and don't have any books, but have read this entire thread:) which is awesome! The mag said to have 10syns daily, I wonder is this just a kick starter figure? as I see you guys talking about 15.

I am doing ee by the way.

Also I only have half a stone to lose now, so I wonder whether I should stick to 10syns? What would u guys advise? As I would like more syns if i could;)!hax

Welcome. I personally, have syns at different rates. All depends on how I am feeling and what I am doing. There are days that I have all 15 syns and other days have 2 or 3. However, it is best to have al of them so your body gets used to them and can maintain your losses. If you start struggling then you can cut them down a bit. The thing about this plan is the more you eat (of the right food and until you are full), the more you lose. So my advise is to have what your body says (but no fewer than 5 a day), if that makes sense.
We're real definitely! Mum tried to get a fake one to save money but I said just don't give me a present haha, can't have Christmas without a real tree! I'm actually allergic to them haha, my hands and face come out in a rash when I touch them to decorate etc, but I love the smell and that feeling of cold air coming out when you leave it to open up :) love it! Xx

im a faker... as well as being allergic to them i dont even have to touch them and im out in a rash the smell makes me feel so ill..real does look so pretty but i just cant tolerate them
Aw :( I'm grateful that my allergy is controlled through just not touching it! :(
Oh dear! Good weekend went bad :( was fine until the queue for my planned Ben and jerrys yogurt was super huge at the pictures so got some Cadbury pretzels. Whoops. Then just drank 3/4 bottle of wine as bf has gone out at left me on my own the jerk off, he knows I hate being on my own on Saturday nights when the boys are here. So I boozed. Oh well, I haven't gone anywhere near as bad as the last few weekends and can def pull this back. Although there's talk of the pub tomorrow for Sunday dinner. Eek!!

About the SYNS I started off thinking it was better to go without and keep them as low as poss, but didn't really lose well, then when I started having my SYNS I had more regular losses, so you should def have them, esp at the start. Xx
Hi all, on the bus on my way home from night out. Feeling good as compliments on me bum lol! Bad day food wise tho cos had a ready meal paella tonight, was amazing, plus 3 pints of peroni, very nice!! Back on it tomorrow, promise!

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Ah so pleased for you Jen, makes the weight loss feel real when the compliments come in :)

Wow! That's a great loss, well done xx
Really good surprise this morning, lost 2.5lb this week which I wasn't really expecting as I rarely have losses that big, and it took me to my 2stone award! Yay!

Wonder if I can hit 2.5st by Xmas... That would leave me at 200lb flat.

Well done on your great loss. You have done so well and should be proud. Of course you can hit 2.5 stone loss by christmas - we have 7 weeks left. I am hopeing to achieve 4 stone. Have a fab day.
We live in kingswood hun. We had quite a bit but so much heavy rain overnight, no chance of settling. Boys were excited tho!

Just had a lush lunch, chicken breast stuffed with philly, spinach, garlic, pesto and peppers, wrapped in bacon with veg and garlic bread. Super yummy :)

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Hmmm I've noticed that I'm really good during the day but it seems to go a little bit wrong in the evenings. I just wondered if anyone had any tips or ideas. Thanks
Hmmm I've noticed that I'm really good during the day but it seems to go a little bit wrong in the evenings. I just wondered if anyone had any tips or ideas. Thanks

I am like this, or at least i was at the beginning. I brush my teeth after my dinner, it stops me wanting to eat anything else because its so minty and nice :)
I often save syns and have something sweet in the evening. Options hot choc is only 2 syns or toffee muller light's are free, always cure my sugar fix! :)

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I often save syns and have something sweet in the evening. Options hot choc is only 2 syns or toffee muller light's are free, always cure my sugar fix! :)

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Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try using my syns in the evening rather than in the day!
If you eat really regularly in the day it really helps with night cravings. If I wake up late and don't eat breakfast I graze really badly the rest if the day but 3 good meals and 2 or 3 Superfree snacks really help. Or 2 Superfree and a toffee mullerlight, really helps evenings. I rarely eat late now xx
Hello everyone

I'm starting slimming world from hone tomoro! Have stocked up cupboards with free and super free foods!!
Really need to do it!!! Feeling very unhappy about my weight!
How long has everyone else been doing it and how much have you lost??
:) xx
Evening Jessie, welcome! I've lost 3.5stone since February, started sw end of June and lost 2.5stone since then. Don't go to a group, this thread and these lovely girls are my support group!

Good luck on your journey :)

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