Jen, let me know how the butternut squash lasagne goes down, sounds lovely!
Finally back from my first day at the placement... Bit of a cock up as the two managers I was supposed to liaise with were off, so noone really had any idea what to do with me. For the first 3/4 of the day I was basically hanging around watching people do things as I didn't have access to anything cause of all the NI numbers and personal info. For the last hour and a half I got to do these seating plans and arrangements for these huge conference things for the whole county that are happening over the next few months, and for tomorrow and wednesday at least, that is what I'll be doing

Apparently having events organising on my CV will be brilliant, so I'm happy

Just hoping that the buses are better tomorrow - first one this morning just shook his head at me and drove straight past, and then on the way home this evening, the bus took nearly 45 mins more than expected to get home! Phew, glad I'm back now
Syns have definitely gone over for the day as I didn't plan well enough so I got caught out and ate the wrong things for the wrong days, and then switched days after I'd already had 2 HexBs! Trying to work it out now, and I've had about 20 so far (am planning to hopefully not have any more, but will allow myself up to five more as most of the syns I've had were on accidental extras so I don't want to feel too deprived haha!) and will just cut down a little bit for the rest of the week to get back under control
Planning ahead for lunches etc will be vital! Happier now that I know there is a toaster, microwave, fridge and kettle etc so I can vary what I eat a bit

Leftovers for the win!
Aaaanyway, enough about me

How has everyone else enjoyed their monday? xx