Ok so how is this for a green day so far:

B - Sultana Bran (B) and Skimmed Milk (A) (no superfree because i'm rubbish at eating breakfast so this in itself is good for me!)
L - Wholemeal roll (B), 20g cheddar (A) (not sure what my allowance was but was all i had in!) and a salad (lettuce, cucumber, onion) plus a strawberry activitia fat free snackpot (free)
D - not sure yet!

So does this mean for dinner i have to syn pasta/potatoes or are these free on green? x
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Toni, with what you've eaten today, you could still be red or green. If red, no carbs tonight or if green, no meat, you can have pasta/rice/potatoes etc

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Red and green days you can be a bit more lenient with the Superfree rule. As you aren't mixing protein and carbs it tends to keep the cals much lower anyway so don't stress about 1/3 Superfree. Just make sure u get your 5 a day :)
Laura, hope you're ok love. Sorry to hear about Ur grandpops, hope you and the family are doing ok. Xxxx
Hi Becks welcome aboard honey
Right then, been such a manic weekend, I've not been on here a lot. Just read thru posts, Charl and Laura, am sending huge hugs! Really sorry about your grandad Laura, is a really tough time. It was a brave decision to go and see him but one your nan appreciated I bet. I hope he's pain free and at peace. My thoughts are with your family x x

Charl, sorry you're going thru a pants time. Relationships are extremely tough at the best of times, I really hope you manage to sort things out. Keep talking to each other, I've discovered that's key! I even wrote my husband a letter recently, as sometimes I just don't get out all the stuff in my head. It also helped me massively to get stuff off my chest! You rant away to us all you like, sometimes it's easier to tell people who aren't connected to your life. I know how difficult kids are, keep going hun, hopefully their phase won't last long x x

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Quick question ladies, quorn sausages and burgers are they free or synned? I thought they were synned I think 1/2 syn each but I've just seen it on a print out I've got (not sure how upto date it is) and it says they are free, I'm quite happy synning them as its barely anything but just wondering....

Wasn't brave enough to go for a green day today, Toni I'll have to copy your days lol, Had a nice red day lunch, free veg soup and then salad leaves with hot sliced potatoes (1/2 hexB) Hot sliced ham, a few chunks of smoked fish, cheese (Half hexA as one of the kittens swiped half from the countertop) and a poached egg... yummy

Tonight the kids are having cheeseburger and chips so I'm going to try roasting carrot sticks and am going to have them with a large mushroom topped with two quorn burgers rasher of bacon and melted cheese with the rest of the hot potato and salad...
Ok, I was going to email red meal suggestions, but will write on here as might help others :)

Ham/chicken/egg salad
Cheese and ham toastie (bread as hexb)
Poached/scrambled/fried egg on toast. If you fry a few cherry tom's until soft, they're lovely on the toast with no butter and then the egg on top
Veg/meat omelettes
Soups (the choice is endless)
Stuffed tomatoes, tuna & spring onion is nice
Prawn/crab/salmon pate (can give you recipe)

Main meals
Marinated fish (salmon/cod/basa/anything really), I use soy sauce, balsamic & honey. Serve with stir fried veg or steamed veg.
Chicken casserole with veg
Spaghetti bog/chilli I have with steamed veg. You can grate cauliflower for a rice substitute.
Tuna quiche and salad/veg
Stir fry
Stuffed chicken breasts with veg. Sweet potatoes and butternut squash make lovely wedges or mash as potato substitute
Burgers, made with lean mince or turkey. Can use a roll from hexb, have with root veg spicy wedges, sw coleslaw and salad
Roast, no potatoes but all other veg
Shepherds pie, use caleriac/swede/squash as mash topping
Meatballs in tomato sauce
Jerk chicken and mango salsa
Chicken/lamb curry with Indian salad
Tomato chicken bake
Mexican chilli chicken
Pork ratatouille
Beef bourguignon
Kebabs and salad
Meat and egg loaf
Ww or veggie sausages with butternut squash mash and steamed veg - my favourite meal!
Gammon, fried eggs and veg chips

There's a few :)

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No idea but they sound nice! Altho, you can make a homemade burger using lean mince, onions, herbs etc and mould around a babybel light. Yum!!

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the LM mozarella burgers are 4syns, and completely worth it, sooooooo tasty! xx
I've lost 2lb this week! IE I've hit 3.5st! (49lb weight loss :O)

I don't know if my blog shows up in my signature, but there, it shows that I reward myself for each 7lb goal (which I've not done since 2st I think) and I still can't afford any of it (and don't feel like I really deserve it for each 7lb?) so today I treated ('treated') myself to a handheld blender. To make soup for the winter :)

Also, bought tons of tea and found wholemeal pasta aaand I'm gonna try making my own porridge, when I find a recipe. Which will probably be an awful venture/end up with the kitchen burnt down. We'll see!!

Another target was that when I hit 50lbs, I'd buy my plane tickets home - I'm obvs very happy with my progress but can you imagine how annoying it is to be 1lb off 50lbs weight loss?! Especially with plane tickets the price they are! :(
I've lost 2lb this week! IE I've hit 3.5st! (49lb weight loss :O)

I don't know if my blog shows up in my signature, but there, it shows that I reward myself for each 7lb goal (which I've not done since 2st I think) and I still can't afford any of it (and don't feel like I really deserve it for each 7lb?) so today I treated ('treated') myself to a handheld blender. To make soup for the winter :)

Also, bought tons of tea and found wholemeal pasta aaand I'm gonna try making my own porridge, when I find a recipe. Which will probably be an awful venture/end up with the kitchen burnt down. We'll see!!

Another target was that when I hit 50lbs, I'd buy my plane tickets home - I'm obvs very happy with my progress but can you imagine how annoying it is to be 1lb off 50lbs weight loss?! Especially with plane tickets the price they are! :(
