Thanks everyone for your kind messages :)

Must admit, SW has been the last thing on my mind, but all these yummy meals you're having on red days sound like something I should try when I get back on it :)

Tilly, good luck with starting at the gym, I hope you like it :) x
Just looked up that leek lasagne, its tempting! Do lasagne sheets count as pasta? As in syn free? If so it'd just be the white/cheese sauce to syn in a normal lasagne wouldnt it? On ee and green obviously.
Really looking forward to dinner tonight, boyfriend wants garlic bread with it so i might have to look up the syns in that bad boy as i do love it!
I'm doing red which is why it's so appealing, the only thing I'm synning is the red wine and flour, although I'm using a lot less than they suggest as I don't think u really need that much. The milk and cheese can be my 2hexa's. it wouldn't be good on green because of the mince but EE and red days good xx
Actually EE not so much as you'd have to syn the cheese or milk but red days with the 2 hexA's it's perfect I think xx
More beef bourguignon tonight, was really yummy! Will have a load of veg instead of potato tho as had 2 hexb today so need a red day. Think I've sts or gained this week, just completely lost my exercise mojo :-( no motivation to get out in the cold. Am hoping just sticking to diet will be ok and mean I won't gain anything. Next year's target is to get into a bikini!! Gonna sign up for a half marathon in march I think. Anyone live near ish silverstone fancy it?!! :)

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I think it's a normal white sauce? I don't really make things like that ever, was supposed to be 500 m&s semi skimmed milk and I did half that have skimmed to save hex use, they said 3 tbsp cornflour and I used 2, put in some mustard powder and nutmeg. Infused it with onion and bay first tho. Then used 2 hexA cheeses for the lot so it's actually used a lot less for the whole recipe than I first thought. It's just in the oven now, looks pretty nice actually :) xx
After a great week last week and my first loss from actually sticking to it i feel i am ruining it! I had chocs on the weekend and beendoing red days and meal wise has been good but keep snacking even wen im not hungry!
I keep thinking my loss wud hav been so much better this week wothout the snacking!! I havnt been on sw long and already im slacking :(
It takes a while to get it properly, but you'll get there :) dieting is super hard, I've just had like 2 months of sabotaging myself and finally back on it, everytime you feel like snacking distract yourself with something not food related, works a treat xx
We all unfortunately do it! Draw a line under it and start again tomorrow. Maybe try ee as may fill you up longer than red days. Don't beat yourself up, it's done now, try a low syn day to try and rectify any damage done. Stick with it hun, it's hard work but works :) x

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Ill hav to start looking on here at qat ppl hav lost wen i wana snack for motivation. Snacking is my worst habit. Shud get sum chewing gums! Im planning extra easy for tomoz spaggetti on toast for breakfast pasta for lunch then a cook dinner. Got 3 days to cut down b4 weighing saturday! Hows every1 else getting on? X
Def don't chew chewing gum. It makes you produce loads of saliva and the chewing tells your stomach to expect food, so when nothing gets there your brain tells you you're hungry. That stuffs no good for diets :)

I am crazy bloated tonight and unbelievably checked the scales as I was curious, this morn 13st5 tonight 13st11!!!! No way! Haha! That's insane. I had some cheese and tomato flatbread with dinner so gonna have to have a no syn day tomorrow. Boohoo. Xx
Def don't chew chewing gum. It makes you produce loads of saliva and the chewing tells your stomach to expect food, so when nothing gets there your brain tells you you're hungry. That stuffs no good for diets :)

I am crazy bloated tonight and unbelievably checked the scales as I was curious, this morn 13st5 tonight 13st11!!!! No way! Haha! That's insane. I had some cheese and tomato flatbread with dinner so gonna have to have a no syn day tomorrow. Boohoo. Xx

Charl stop scale hopping. It is demotivating and gives you false figures. Hide those scales and just go on them on WI day. I keep mine in my office at the other end of flat and use them on weigh day.
Haha! Sorry! It's more curiosity than anything, I've never had scales in my house until recently and it's kinda a luxury, I take what I read in the week with a pinch of salt and only count Fridays readings :) x
I have been doing the plan at home (buying the info from charity shops/off net etc./old mags) and can say that I have had greater success than friends who go to groups. It's all in your attitude and personal will power. I am the kind of person who is certainly not a 'team member', would not get on with other people and would find little in common. I think that if you are a committed person and determined, you will succeed whether in a group or not. Re: scales. I have just bought a new WW fat/bmi/water jobbie off the net for £16. It measures in 1/4 lbs which could make anything resort to scale hopping several times a time just to see what happens! I weigh myself mid week to check that I am on track and if not, I can make more effort for the rest of the week. Re: snacking. Although they are full of rubbish, I have a Mugshot when I get the nibbles and am near a kettle.If not, I only eat something syn free, even if a bowl of syn free soup at 3:pm. You have to listen to your body re: times to eat, your conscience regarding WHAT to eat and not to your little demon hiding in your tummy(he'll convince you to eat syn laden stuff!) A simple trick to train yourself to do is the following:
If you think you are hungry check what you are doing. Are you bored, tired, thirsty? If not, and you REALLY are hungry, ask questions about the choices in front of you. How will this benefit my body? Do I WANT or NEED this? (which one!?) Stopping before acting will make the food you choose more pleasurable too;)
Good morning, I am a serial weigher, on and off the scales daily and I have noticed I tend to put on when its "that" time of the month, do any of you have the same trouble and if so how much do you find you gain?

I am on an EE week this week but have been a bit weak with my sins, again time of the month hunger! I am setting myself a target of 3lbs this week xx
You can absolutely gain during totm, it often affects me the week before too, can gain as much as 4lb! It sucks, but does rectify the following week. Totm is tricky tho cos you can crave sugar badly, well I do! :S

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Hey all!
Well I'm shocked I've lost 1.5lbs this week! That could partially be because Sunday was a right off as I was sick as a dog all morning and hardly ate all day! I don't think it was a was weird coz yes we were drinking but I wasn't drunk! We went for a Chinese early hours Sun morning and a few of my friends were sick on Monday so I believe it may have even been food poisoning ;-)
Anyway I'm back to 1/2lb off a stone! Doubt I'll achieve that anytime soon like but we'll see!
I didn't start the gym last night but I'm deffo starting thurs, I'm working tonight!
Would just like to say that i am LOVING red day/green day over extra easy. Had a sneaky weigh this morning and have already lost 1lb this week, got my fingers crossed it remains this way until saturday or even lose a bit more! :) Not sure if its just novelty of not having done red and green days before, but i feel like i can eat more things? I know that probably makes no sense as extra easy is named that for a reason, maybe its the 2 a and b choices swaying me? I do love my cheese!

Having a pretty good week this week, am babysitting friday and then out with the girls saturday night - that'll be a heavy one so i am trying to save all my syns for that!
Haha! I always feel like I eat loads and loads on green, def keeps you really full. Red days I tend to get quite hungry tho, although I think I've sussed it out now and I was keeping a hex for some weetabix as a snack and totally made me full :) I've had to do EE today as bf is cooking dinner a SW sweet and sour meatball thing, which smells good. Bless him. Means I can get working super hard today as I don't need to worry about cooking and shopping.

I always gain a few lbs but it drops off again really fast, it's more bloat than weight gain for me, but it's dealing with the pmt cravings I find hard, I literally never feel full! Worryingly it's been quite some time since I had that, I'm waiting for an app for a ovarian scan to see if anything is wrong, a bit scared actually. Eek!

Yay well done Tilly!!

About the mindset thing, it's easily said but very hard to put into practise, evaluating why you eat is one thing, but it also means you keep on analysing food and eating. Just try and eat regularly drink plenty of fluids and it should keep your blood sugar levels regular so u don't want to snack. Xx