I've lost 2lb this week! IE I've hit 3.5st! (49lb weight loss :O)
I don't know if my blog shows up in my signature, but there, it shows that I reward myself for each 7lb goal (which I've not done since 2st I think) and I still can't afford any of it (and don't feel like I really deserve it for each 7lb?) so today I treated ('treated') myself to a handheld blender. To make soup for the winter
Also, bought tons of tea and found wholemeal pasta aaand I'm gonna try making my own porridge, when I find a recipe. Which will probably be an awful venture/end up with the kitchen burnt down. We'll see!!
Another target was that when I hit 50lbs, I'd buy my plane tickets home - I'm obvs very happy with my progress but can you imagine how annoying it is to be 1lb off 50lbs weight loss?! Especially with plane tickets the price they are!