Li, sorry also to hear about your weekend, at least we can come here and share how we feel, I find this thread helps me so much, even just typing it out seems to be like therapy and I feel better after. Sorry your ma isn't any help, mine lived in France until the boys were 3, so I get how tough it is with not really anyone to help out. Xx
im also doing it from home, need lots of held and tips glad i have found theis site :)
I've lost 2lb this week! IE I've hit 3.5st! (49lb weight loss :O)

I don't know if my blog shows up in my signature, but there, it shows that I reward myself for each 7lb goal (which I've not done since 2st I think) and I still can't afford any of it (and don't feel like I really deserve it for each 7lb?) so today I treated ('treated') myself to a handheld blender. To make soup for the winter :)

Also, bought tons of tea and found wholemeal pasta aaand I'm gonna try making my own porridge, when I find a recipe. Which will probably be an awful venture/end up with the kitchen burnt down. We'll see!!

Another target was that when I hit 50lbs, I'd buy my plane tickets home - I'm obvs very happy with my progress but can you imagine how annoying it is to be 1lb off 50lbs weight loss?! Especially with plane tickets the price they are! :(
Well done for the loss. I am sure you'll hit 50 lbs next week and can buy your ticket. Have a great day.
Thanks Jen plenty to go at there, I actually have done some butternut squash this afternoon to try tomorrow and it tastes lovely never thought of doing it before, I might try and make some wedges now, perhaps I just don't like it as a soup....

Think I'll try a celeriac mash later in the week

Son has come down with the dreaded bug doing the rounds, just hoping I don't get, Ells had it Thursday so I'm bound to pick it up eventually
I've lost 2lb this week! IE I've hit 3.5st! (49lb weight loss :O)

I don't know if my blog shows up in my signature, but there, it shows that I reward myself for each 7lb goal (which I've not done since 2st I think) and I still can't afford any of it (and don't feel like I really deserve it for each 7lb?) so today I treated ('treated') myself to a handheld blender. To make soup for the winter :)

Also, bought tons of tea and found wholemeal pasta aaand I'm gonna try making my own porridge, when I find a recipe. Which will probably be an awful venture/end up with the kitchen burnt down. We'll see!!

Another target was that when I hit 50lbs, I'd buy my plane tickets home - I'm obvs very happy with my progress but can you imagine how annoying it is to be 1lb off 50lbs weight loss?! Especially with plane tickets the price they are! :(

Well done honey... I bought a hand blender and use it most days for soup... mashing veg to use in dinners, whisking eggs etc best £15 I ever spent
You'll soon get that last pound off.. thats amazing 50lb you must be feeling so proud of yourself...
Welcome Lou

You'll found all the inspiration and help you need here

Thanks Charl
Grandad passed away peacefully this afternoon. At least he's at peace now.

Oh honey, huge huge hugs. Am glad he didn't suffer and as you said is now at peace. Take each day as it comes, cry, laugh, just go with your emotions. Definitely don't worry about sw! You'll be ok, we're all here for you x x

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Laura so sorry for your loss. Big hugs. Do not worry about SW. We all be here for you. My thoughts are with you and your family. xx
Well done Hells!! Amazing loss, u should be super super proud of yourself :)

Ah Laura, so sorry love. Sympathies to your fam xxx
Aww Laura, I'm so sorry, it'll be a hard time but you'll come through, remember the good times with your Grandad, think of happy memories of him.. thinking of you and your family, lots of love to you all and like Jen said we're all here for you xxxx
So sorry to hear about your Grandad Laura - Its devasating but he'll be in a better pain free place now xx
Its my Nans Birthday on Thursday...Its still mad that shes not here but id rather her not be here and be pain free than have her here suffering...She was only 65 so too young to die its heartbreaking.
Were going for a family meal on Friday to Celebrate her Birthday which will be nice even though my mum n dad are away in Cuba (They always go away for their Anniversary 19th Nov)
I havent been sticking to plan at all lately so I havent been on here much but when I do I love reading what everyones up to and picking up reciepies etc!
Your a lovely lot!!

Starting the gym tomorro so hopefully that'll motivate me! xx
Hey Tilly, nice to hear from you! Recovered from your hangover sun?! I've been pretty slack on the old sw plan, still like to chat tho! Good luck with the gym tomorrow :)

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Tilly :) we've missed u! Pleased to hear you're good, I think relaxing with the plan is become quite the theme of our lil thread!

I've been 100% today, red day and surprisingly full from it, I saved my 2nd hexB for some weetabix as a snack and as kept me super full. Oh and I made celeriac chips, they were ok, good replacement for proper ones really.

Decided on a red day yesterday, i couldnt stop thinking about home made burgers with light babybel inside so i made those with loads of veg - yum!!
Having a green day today, am making a pasta bake from a recipe i found on here the other day. My boyfriend is also willing to give it a go on the exception that i add chicken to his (typical boy!).
I think mixing up the days is helping me with my portion control too because i'm having to think about what i'm doing, whereas on extra easy i think i got a little bit over confident.
Finally found quark yesterday in tesco, yippee! And fat free fromage frais, that has been a pig to get hold of. At least now i can mix up my recipes a bit. Hope you all have a good day x
I'm having another red day too, as the scales are already showing a 3lb drop (from my 4lb gain on Friday!) so carb bloat is disappearing. Lots of fish and a Greek salad for lunch, and lasagne made with leek pasta for dinner (hairy bikers one) really going to stick to plan this week as sick of bouncing round the same few lbs. I think a full week of red for me as I've already planned all the foods :) xx