Sorry to hear you are struggling BMA and Bubble, such a shame with all your hard work that for whatever reason you cant get back on track. Unfortunately if your heads not in the right place to do it, its less likely that you will, you just keep beating yourself down and eventually give up...speaking from experience. Although with food optimising iv done better than any other 'diet' we all have days where we are just not 'in the mood' to be restrictive. Easy to say, just start a new, refresh and keep going when you are not the one going through it...So il say what I said to a friend of mine, you have to WANT to do it, not because you think you should, or half heartedly try to be good, because you really want to, if your head/heart isnt in for whatever reason, wait until it is, im sure at some point you will have that 'moment' that sets you right back on track, more determined than ever, after all thats how this started in the first place right...?

Best of luck to u both ladies x