I am sorry you feel that way about going to work. Its horrible dreading going into work - is there any way you can look elsewhere for a job? If it is getting you down that much, surely its best for your sanity and health to move on? Is anything in your current job likely to change to make things better? If the answer is no, then you always going to dread work. I worked in a place once where someone, just one person really picked on me, she was a bully - I used to dread getting up in the morning for work, in then end I told her what I thought of her and I walked out. It was the scariest, but most liberating thing I had done then. I found another job, it wasn't a good job but it got me by until I found a better job. But that was many moons ago and I was still at home, so I was safe. I don't think now, having a mortgage and debts I could say that I would walk out of a job. I note you have children too. Maybe you should at least think about looking for a job elsewhere - you know what they say, a change is as good as a rest!
What do you do for a living? If you don't mind me asking.
Chin up Donna.
C x
ps. Is Paul's Thai Curry SW friendly? I do love a Thai!
Hi CharleyBarleyBalls, thanks for your support, I manage Sheltered Housing for Basildon Council, I love the job its the politics and charming

mad: not!) colleagues. Basically I do the estate management side (running the scheme day to day) and then I coordinate care for the elderly - and that can anything from arranging meals on wheels, domestic violence, drug abuse, paedophiles, drunks, terminal illness, carers, adaptations, social services, you name it I've done it over the last seven years.
My Manager made me ring our Workplace support company, I made my referral, you have to complete this huge online application and the counsellors were on the phone within 20 minutes lol! So I am having some counselling to help build my confidence up - starting week on Monday
Lots of little stunts have been pulled this week - had one colleague texting me at 5:50 am on Weds and her partner in crime referred to me as "someone" three times in an email - its belittling but I have decided to not let them show its affecting me - just be extra sugary sweet to piss them off lol!
Oh hunny, hope your days going ok. It's awful feelin that way (((hugs))) xx
Claire - thank you - have been rushed on my feet - my colleague was on annual leave and I have had to pick up her Surgeries on sheltered schemes that don't have a manager (don't ask what the other 4 members of the team were doing cos it was bugger all as far as I can tell, haven't even had a lunchbreak all week!)
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Hi Donna, sorry to hear you are feeling like that, I suffer with aniexty and really finding it hard to go to placement atm, i just feel that the children arent respecting me and I cant seem to please the class teacher I know she is only trying to improve me but just feel im useless. Hope you feel better soon Donna x
Hi Sugar, do you have children of your own? they are a tough audience - you need to get them on side, try and make friends with the ringleaders that always helps! I spent many hours helping with projects and reading when Megan was little, I had one girl cutting my hair - I didn't flinch, she got bored after a few snips (thank god the scissors were blunt!) when she realised I wasn't going to acknowledge her
Hey Donna,
How are you feeling today? x
Charlie - sorry as above - been so busy...been asleep by 9 but been awake by 3:30!!!
Donnaaaaa ... Hope you ok hunni xx
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Claire - its Friday night, Paul and the kids are at the caravan for the night - Paul due home tomorrow tea time and the kids are due back Sunday ...YIPPEEE!!!
Donna! Don't make me come to Laindon to find you! I hope you are ok love. X
LOL! I;ve been expecting you x
hi donna hope ur ok x don't want u disappearing on us again :bighug:have a good weekend love val xx
No Val - I am here and going strong I promise, how did the weigh in go this week?