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At last...finally learnt how to reply properly instead of quick replies!
The shopping bills are ridiculous aren't they - I spent £70 in Tesco last Sunday £60 in Asda on Tuesday and another £57 in Asda yesterday and still need bits I couldn't get in Tesco today!
I can't see how else to reduce the shopping list - can you? Saying that we have a farm shop that sells fruit and veg at Delboy prices - you get 20kg of jacket spud size potatoes for £3 and big big rosy apples 6 in a bag for £1 - and they sell groceries at pennies also - next time I go I will post a picture you will be sick with envy!
I tell you one thing that has saved me a few pound this week - i was making a big salad up and then it was going soggy in the fridge so I'd throw it away - instead of buying all the salad, now I just serve what veg i want on the plate (it makes the plate look so much more colourful and exciting). Rather than taking pots of salad I just have carrot sticks - a bag of carrots are really cheap in tesco, 2/3 made into sticks if a really easy way to get your 1/3 on each plate - don't forget pickles - value pickle onions (I love a pickled onion) are pennies a jar
Carrot sticks are really good with the salmon pate - so is celery with the pate spread down the middle big...cant't believe I get so excited now about veg
Red - you are truly lovely and its the support I get from all my lovely friends (you included) that make me feel special and part of something - I love the fact that we all acknowledge our weight problems - so many times I will say to friends and family and not in a pitiful way "I'm just a greedy cow who can't say no" and they will reply "you're not fat" and I just laugh and say "I know you love me but you can't be that blind" lol. I have actually told my Mum (who's nickname for me is Prada and not after the designer ... Prada as in Prader Willi (Prader–Willi syndrome is also frequently associated with an extreme and insatiable appetite, often resulting in morbid obesity, Wikipedia) ) that once I have lost weight she must tell me I am getting fat again...simple as that....she needs to put her grandkids first and not worry about hurting the feelings of her overgrown-41 year old daughter
I have always wanted to visit Amsterdam - I keep saying to Paul when we are rich (or kid free) that is where I want to have our first weekend away - I reckon we would make a right picture two older people stoned on rock cakes - I want to see the ping pong lady!!! and of course all the lovely tulips....
Charley - you are a very very very funny lady - have you ever thought of re-writing your posts / weight loss experiences in a book??? it would make a best seller
What you up to today? it was supposed to be a dry day with chance of light showers - don't know about you but its grey and wet in Basildon
Thanks Val - you too xxxHi Donna hope u have a lovely weekend. X
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Val - its was so idiotic - I know my husband he did it so he could sink 8 cans of stella!Hi donna don't be hard on urself Uve done really well so far It's really hard to stay on plan sometimes just stick with it xx
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Hi Sarah - I'm just annoyed at myself for getting to drunk and out of control - I really let Paul sabotage my diet last week and then spent the week trying to catch up and going without trying to cut corners - really silly and hopefully a lesson learnt!Congrats on your losses Hun - remember they are still losses no matter how small.
Photos tucking scrummy where can I find the recipe for the chicken, and the salmon mousse?
Thanks Red - I love including the pics cos when I look back (which I do if I want to cheat), I feel motivated and inspired by how gorgeous and colourful and healthy my meals are and also how happy I am writing about them.Such a beautifully illustrated post too! Now don't feel too bad and 1/2lb is better than nothing at all and don't be mean to yourself. (Men always lose quicker they are jammy b**ger! Fact!)
I really don't want you to feel horrible, so be nice to yourself and just be good this week. You jacket potatoes look gorgeous.
Any plans this weekend? I'm doing nothing I've just done a big shop (as Peter Kay would say) it was sooooooo expensive all the fruit and veg and then stuff for the kids etc. I'm going to have to spend far, far less in the coming weeks when I don't have work or money. I have to make 2 cards for someone for next week so I'll get on with those tonight.
Anyway Donna,atback::grouphugg:big squeezy hug for you and well done for your loss, after all a loss is a loss. xxx
The shopping bills are ridiculous aren't they - I spent £70 in Tesco last Sunday £60 in Asda on Tuesday and another £57 in Asda yesterday and still need bits I couldn't get in Tesco today!
I can't see how else to reduce the shopping list - can you? Saying that we have a farm shop that sells fruit and veg at Delboy prices - you get 20kg of jacket spud size potatoes for £3 and big big rosy apples 6 in a bag for £1 - and they sell groceries at pennies also - next time I go I will post a picture you will be sick with envy!
I tell you one thing that has saved me a few pound this week - i was making a big salad up and then it was going soggy in the fridge so I'd throw it away - instead of buying all the salad, now I just serve what veg i want on the plate (it makes the plate look so much more colourful and exciting). Rather than taking pots of salad I just have carrot sticks - a bag of carrots are really cheap in tesco, 2/3 made into sticks if a really easy way to get your 1/3 on each plate - don't forget pickles - value pickle onions (I love a pickled onion) are pennies a jar
Carrot sticks are really good with the salmon pate - so is celery with the pate spread down the middle big...cant't believe I get so excited now about veg
Red - you are truly lovely and its the support I get from all my lovely friends (you included) that make me feel special and part of something - I love the fact that we all acknowledge our weight problems - so many times I will say to friends and family and not in a pitiful way "I'm just a greedy cow who can't say no" and they will reply "you're not fat" and I just laugh and say "I know you love me but you can't be that blind" lol. I have actually told my Mum (who's nickname for me is Prada and not after the designer ... Prada as in Prader Willi (Prader–Willi syndrome is also frequently associated with an extreme and insatiable appetite, often resulting in morbid obesity, Wikipedia) ) that once I have lost weight she must tell me I am getting fat again...simple as that....she needs to put her grandkids first and not worry about hurting the feelings of her overgrown-41 year old daughter
Charley- that's a lovely message and I think I have learnt a few home truths about myself also - Mick doesn't tell you because he doesn't see a weight issue with you - Paul is the same - however, now I am losing weight he says "OMG your bum is looking so good" which makes me laugh cos I don't think my bum would ever look good even if it was a size 12. Why don't you have a word with him and tell him you need him to be a bit harder on your until your birthday? Re your birthday I reckon we should set a 21lbs target - its only 2lbs a week, we are away I think 28th July - and I am determined to be 2stone Miss Charley - are you in or out?Hey Donna
Thanks - I think Mick and I have something really special - I mean he totally gets on my tits sometimes - he is messy and just doesnt think, but what man does. Sometimes I wish he was stronger with me, like when I fall off the wagon, he doesn't say anything - but then I would hate it if he did I suppose. I am a very weak person. Yes I am 35, 36 in July - but I dont feel it, not at all - I am very immature - you do not look 41 either! How old is that photo on your profile of your wedding day? You look so happy!
Its nice to hear your story of making another baby after 7 years - I love these stories, although it must have been really hard for you at the time trying and not getting any luck - but fortune prevails and you were blessed with another healthy child - you cant ask for more really can you? I am sure if an accident happened, we would embrace the challenge, but we are hopeful that that wont happen! Not yet anyway - I am so aware of my age, I know babies can come at any time and any age - but I still feel too young inside for a child. So not ready! My problem was I wasted most of my twenties away and I missed out on the 20's, I am living my 20's in my 30's - so really inside I am only 25!!
You are so right in what you say, most women do suffer with weight issues. My mum has done every single diet known to man over the years, so I grew up knowing what is and isn't good for you - I also grew up knowing that I was fat because the rest of my family wasnt and my mum was always telling me I needed to lose weight. Sometimes I think my self-sabotaging stems from my youth when I used to sneak food upstairs or buy things from the garage over the road with my pennies from my penny jar and eat them in secret behind my house. If my dad watched me butter my sandwich, he would tut if I buttered both sides, so I would put twice as much butter in there, just to spite him. Its a form of defiance in a way I suppose, something which I must have bought into adulthood, but instead of defying my parents, I am defying myself - man thats a bit weird, I have actually never thought of my sabotaging ways like that. Christ! I think I need help! Thats so weird, why did I never put two and two together like that....
Hmm I need to consider this a little more...
Anyhow..Thank you for what you said about me, I feel the same - its so weird getting to know you over this forum, without actually knowing you. I am trying to make things click. You seem to pretty much have it sorted. I guess it helps that Paul is doing it with you, does it? Or do you find it hard?
Good for you for losing again this week, I know its not what you wanted or hoped for - it doesn't seem fair only being a bit naughty last Saturday and then picking yourself up and carrying on the next day - you should be commended for that - my splurges go on for days, and least you nipped your in the bud - but there's one thing about them bloody scales, they are like an elephant they never forget do they?! They are so bloody unforgiving! Take the week before last for example, I had an ok week, I tried hard most days, and when I got choccies from work, I gave them away - GAVE THEM AWAY - did you scale nazis hear me? I gave them away, I felt so saintly and rightous, surely that meant an instant pound or two off didn't it? No. I stayed the same. So unfair.
What I love about you is that you are keeping on going - good for you - I would have let that get to me and I would have had the "oh f**K it" moment and made things worse. You remember why you are doing this - its for an amazing cause, actually its for more than the charity, its for you to be happy on your holiday in July - you will feel so much better having lost weight. I am giving myself a challenge on the back of yours - I am going to Amsterdam for my birthday in July and I want to lose a stone by 12th July which is my birthday and when we fly (from Southend Airport by the way - well excited!). How about it, do you fancy going for it? My holiday is roughly 10 weeks away, 14lbs in 10 weeks is totally doable. When is your holiday? I will need to hit the gym I think, I am not going to get this done on food alone - are you up for it Miss Donna???
I have always wanted to visit Amsterdam - I keep saying to Paul when we are rich (or kid free) that is where I want to have our first weekend away - I reckon we would make a right picture two older people stoned on rock cakes - I want to see the ping pong lady!!! and of course all the lovely tulips....
Charley - you are a very very very funny lady - have you ever thought of re-writing your posts / weight loss experiences in a book??? it would make a best seller
What you up to today? it was supposed to be a dry day with chance of light showers - don't know about you but its grey and wet in Basildon