Don't you just hate it when....

M Louise H said:
DYJHIW you're getting larger by the day but all self-control seems to have deserted you :wave_cry:

I hate that feeling too.....I'm guessing that the 3 stone I lost earlier in the year is back on again :( I'm too scared to get on the scales!!! After Christmas though I'll be back on track.....I hate feeling like this :(
I hate that feeling too.....I'm guessing that the 3 stone I lost earlier in the year is back on again :( I'm too scared to get on the scales!!! After Christmas though I'll be back on track.....I hate feeling like this :(

I'm the same :(
When you're asleep and someone phones you in the middle of the night and says "Oh, were you sleeping?". No, I was running a marathon with unicorns, they're very competitive...
me three! xxx
**punk*~*star** said:
I'm the same :(

:( pants isn't it :( I was doing so well until we went on our summer hols in August, but I found it hard when we got home and slipped back into old habits so easily. Thing is I'm really not enjoying the food I'm eating at the moment. Can't wait to start eating healthily again. And feeling that feeling when I know I'm not the 'fat mum' stood in the playground
When you walk through town & people keep staring at you! Was getting really paranoid till I realised I was still cuddling little un's stuffed monkey under my arm!!
I hate that feeling too.....I'm guessing that the 3 stone I lost earlier in the year is back on again :( I'm too scared to get on the scales!!! After Christmas though I'll be back on track.....I hate feeling like this :(

I'm the same :(

me three! xxx

:( pants isn't it :( I was doing so well until we went on our summer hols in August, but I found it hard when we got home and slipped back into old habits so easily. Thing is I'm really not enjoying the food I'm eating at the moment. Can't wait to start eating healthily again. And feeling that feeling when I know I'm not the 'fat mum' stood in the playground

I knew these 2 weeks were going to be tough but I really didn't think I would lose control so absolutely. I had a pair of jeans on last night which were fine this time last week but now feel like they've been sprayed on. Roll on 29 December, when I'll be home and can get back on the straight and narrow.

Anyway, as everyone keeps saying it's my holiday and it is Christmas - I'll try and enjoy and sort the damage once I'm home.

Merry Christmas all x x x x x
Pinknails2012 said:
Dont ya just hate it when ya run out of selotape halfway through wrapping pressies :( i swear i had enough but it seems not lol, on a good note though had James authurs impossible on repeat for an hour, loving that song right now <3

I love that song too :)
Dont ya just hate it when ya run out of selotape halfway through wrapping pressies :( i swear i had enough but it seems not lol, on a good note though had James authurs impossible on repeat for an hour, loving that song right now <3

Now that is a tune :) xxx
When OH goes for a 'few' drinks after work but rolls in at 10.30 clearly pissed and then expects me to drive him to the pizza shop!

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