Don't you just hate it when....

Me & hubby can't agree :(

Advice please: little un left nursery yesterday as she is started at a new nursery in January. She's said bye to staff (everyone had a little cry) & to me that's it finished & look forward to new school. They have now invited her to Xmas party tomorrow... I think that its silly (& going to confuse her) going back when she already said goodbye but hubby thinks she should go coz its a party???
Me & hubby can't agree :(

Advice please: little un left nursery yesterday as she is started at a new nursery in January. She's said bye to staff (everyone had a little cry) & to me that's it finished & look forward to new school. They have now invited her to Xmas party tomorrow... I think that its silly (& going to confuse her) going back when she already said goodbye but hubby thinks she should go coz its a party???

I bet she would be fine whichever to be honest kids are so resiliant shame you didn't know about the party before though and then you wouldn't have had the worry over it!
When people bring their baby to work and try and make you hold it.

Yes I appreciate that it makes me a freak of nature but I do not want to hold your baby. Stop keep trying to force me I feel really uncomfortable and everyone is staring at me now.

I don't bring my cat to work and force you to hold him do I?


Hahaha! Thats brill!
I will try to resist lowering the tone by commenting about you making people hold your errrrmmm cat ;)
DYJHIW. . .you were planning on popping out at lunch time to get some fruit for after your Savoury Rice, but it's absolutely ****ing it down!! Grrr, there's no way I'm going out in that!
Me & hubby can't agree :(

Advice please: little un left nursery yesterday as she is started at a new nursery in January. She's said bye to staff (everyone had a little cry) & to me that's it finished & look forward to new school. They have now invited her to Xmas party tomorrow... I think that its silly (& going to confuse her) going back when she already said goodbye but hubby thinks she should go coz its a party???

I'd let her go Hun. Will be nice for her and don't really see that it can do any harm? xx
When people bring their baby to work and try and make you hold it.

Yes I appreciate that it makes me a freak of nature but I do not want to hold your baby. Stop keep trying to force me I feel really uncomfortable and everyone is staring at me now.

I don't bring my cat to work and force you to hold him do I?


Love it! I'm so like this! I like my own kids (most of the time!), but others - BLEUURGH!!!

Hahaha! Thats brill!
I will try to resist lowering the tone by commenting about you making people hold your errrrmmm cat ;)

Tut!! ;) xx
DYJHIW you think it's 2.45pm and only an hour left 'til hometime. . .then you realise it's actually only 1.45pm and you actually have two hours left :( boohooooo!!
Thanks both :D have phoned nursery & said she can go to party, felt awful saying no & suddenly felt better when I agreed (weird!)
Not juvenile at all? If they need to give us a new clients address or a change to rota it's easier for us in text format so there is no confusion over address or times as we have it in black and white!

Ah that makes sense, still I'd like a voicemail as well, but that's just because I'm greedy :D
Thanks both :D have phoned nursery & said she can go to party, felt awful saying no & suddenly felt better when I agreed (weird!)

You just weren't sure what to do for the best, which just shows you care :) I think you've made the right decision btw

DYJHIW channel 4 decide to put a kids film on at 8 O'Clock on Christmas eve! Little one really wants to watch it but his bedtime is 7 O'Clock usually, need to find out what time it finishes as I'd hate for it to ruin his Christmas by making him too tired as he's no doubt likely to get up early with excitement
DYJHIW you are so tired that you fell asleep after work and missed going to a clients funeral :( feel bad for not going with the other girls, but just feel bleugh :(
grrr I have a list!!!

dyjhiw you are shattered and cold but instead of going to have a bath and going to bed you have to go out again.

dyjhiw its still not friday!

and dyjhiw dad boss keeps treating you like the cleaner who looks after his kids rather than the nanny who does a bit of cleaning! hes just told me I cant go to the end of term service led by eldest charge's class tomorrow because im not going to be there for the next 11 days and i need to "make sure the house is in tip top shape before having all that time with nothing being done"! surely it wouldnt hurt for them to keep it tidy and put a bit of washing on and iron it over the next fortnight?! never mind the fact ive spent the last 2 weeks helping 7 year old rehearse his lines and songs for tomorrow and helped him make the christingle orange thing for the service :( for the second time this week- W*NKER!!
grrr I have a list!!!

dyjhiw you are shattered and cold but instead of going to have a bath and going to bed you have to go out again.

dyjhiw its still not friday!

and dyjhiw dad boss keeps treating you like the cleaner who looks after his kids rather than the nanny who does a bit of cleaning! hes just told me I cant go to the end of term service led by eldest charge's class tomorrow because im not going to be there for the next 11 days and i need to "make sure the house is in tip top shape before having all that time with nothing being done"! surely it wouldnt hurt for them to keep it tidy and put a bit of washing on and iron it over the next fortnight?! never mind the fact ive spent the last 2 weeks helping 7 year old rehearse his lines and songs for tomorrow and helped him make the christingle orange thing for the service :( for the second time this week- W*NKER!!

Oh no :( That's awful, I'm really sorry hun, you deserve to be able to go. I know I loved seeing all the kids I work with in their nativity not just my own so I know how you would really want to go, especially after helping him rehearse.
I think your right about him being a W*NKER