Don't you just hate it when....

damn the easter stuff its soooo too early for it! xx
DYJHIW someone's only function seems to be attention seeking and everyone knows it but no one says anything! (Me included admittedly) it's just SO boring.
... when a friend can't make it to three different arranged meet-ups in one week, then comes up with crazy ideas about walking 2 and a half hours for a cup of tea. JUST TURN UP FOR THE EASY THINGS FIRST, THEN I MIGHT EVEN LISTEN TO THE MAD WHIMS!!!

Jeez - love my friends, but sometimes......!!!
When you get back from WI and immediately need a p00!!! Xxx

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DYJHIW you're fed up of your job, life etc but just don't know what you want to do.. :(
Joanne I honestly feel your pain chick :( hope you get sorted x

Snap! It's a horrible feeling isn't it x

It's horrible. I really could just sit and cry! I really can't stay at my job much longer but it's hard to look for something else (whatever that is..) as i'm on 2 months notice period and no way can I leave without having something else. Life eh!! x