you really wanna help a family member when they are in a sticky situation but you know you can help til they ask for your help :'(
Thanks I know :/ You wake up with a throat that feels like you have swallowed 20 million razor blades
Dyjhiw your son won't take part in his leavers assembly![]()
any reason why he wouldnt
Your throat is all swollen & really sore when you are swallowing :'(
DYJHIW....your skint, boo!
DYJHIW - OH puts his cup of tea on the wood table without putting it on a coaster, so I tell him he'll mark the table, & what does he do, not get a coaster oh no, gets my knitting pattern to rest his cup on, hmmmmmmmm, men.'ve just made a dessert for a work's buffet tomorrow lunch-time and you know you can't have any!It's called Naughty Pudding so the clue to its yumminess is in the name!!!!! Never mind - I've bought a Sainsbury's fruit salad for me to munch on while they're all exclaiming how delicious it is! Just think how virtuous I'll feel though. Just trying to convince myself really!
Wow your good!
You'll feel even better on WI day when you've achieved the weight you want to be x
dyjhiw your bedroom is like an oven despite having 2 fans on full blast![]()