Don't you just love it when...

When your daughter is bought clothes for her birthday in the wrong side so you manage to go to the shop & get the exact same outfit in daughters size without daughter or present buyer knowing they've been changed :D
When you're talking to the school caretaker about sw meals in the staff room after school (he's a consultant) and then leave. When you bump in to him later and he says that the other lady who was in the room when you were chatting said to him when you left 'please tell me Jenna doesn't go to your group, she doesn't need it'. I don't go to his group but its a nice reminder that not everyone looks at me and sees the fat girl or the girl who has lost weight...that people who didnt know me before just thinks of me as 'normal'. Really not sure i explained all that very well but hey ho!
DYJLIW your family are 110% supportive of your weight loss journey.

Had a bad week a while ago, and when in tescos my stepdad put 9 bags of sugar in the trolley and pointed out that i had lost that many bags of sugar off me! When you see it as a visual thing like that, it seems worth it.
DYJLIW your boyfriend is a science teacher and you can wind him up something rotten just by saying something like ''you'll let the cold in''
46 mins 21 secs..

not training for a race or anything, it's just for keeping fit, but i like to try and do a little better each time. i remember my first night in the gym, it took 15mins to do 3k and i was in pain for 3 days afterwards, what a difference a year and a bit makes.. i would like to do a 10k or half marathon next year, but i think i will have to train alot more first and see what the future holds.
46 mins 21 secs..

not training for a race or anything, it's just for keeping fit, but i like to try and do a little better each time. i remember my first night in the gym, it took 15mins to do 3k and i was in pain for 3 days afterwards, what a difference a year and a bit makes.. i would like to do a 10k or half marathon next year, but i think i will have to train alot more first and see what the future holds.

OMG!! That's really fast-well done!
DYJLIW you get all your christmas presents wrapped up so far! Was going to wait till December, but just couldn't wait the extra day!
Christmas Presents.jpg
DYJLIW you're finally back on track! Been messing around for the last week, not planned my meals, no superfree in so living on pasta etc. Meals planned for the next week, going to the supermarket after work armed with my shopping list full of superfree foods. This week will be a good one!
DYJLIW it's snowing and the ground is white :D