Don't you just love it when...

When you discover facial oil and watch a video on moisturisers/serums etc and even after a few uses you can see massive improvement!

I use Avon facial oil & Avon serum, I don't tend to take these on holiday with me, I just take day & night moisturisers & I can really tell when I've not been using my oil & serum.

Dyjliw your boss offers you a set of enormous tumblers that you've had your eye on for ages as they would be perfect used to make the wedding centrepieces I want! Not even engaged yet but its on the cards- I'm like a woman possessed haha!

That's so funny, :D
DYJLIW you play the 'damsel in distress' card perfectly and get the car sorted for nothing - even though I did come home with part of the car in the boot and also put the feminist movement back about 40 years!!
Oooh sounds good Shirleen which one are you using? You have inspired me to try one!

Because I'm skint and I wanted to try first I bought Vitamin E facial oil from superdrug £2.99! The Serum (recommended by Sali Hughes) is Superdrug for dry skin £5
Check out the Sali Hughes videos she writes for The Guardian but does recommendations on products. A lot of it is too rich for my blood so I go downmarket!
DYJLIW ... it's Friday :)
DYJLIW you lose 6lbs in your first 4/5 days back on SW despite TOTM! :D SO happy!
dyjliw stuck to diet for 13days . as in syn value & nothing extra naughty in syn value :)
.....when it's almost time to put the Christmas tree up :) haven't been able to do it yet as we're decorating the living room and it's been like a bomb site. It's still not finished as we haven't put the feature wall paper up yet and the fireplace (which OH built) needs another coat of paint, but we're getting there.....slowly. Will probably be tomorrow when we do the tree, lots of tidying up to do yet lol
DYJLIW your OH is away and you have the most perfect, Christmassy afternoon with your daughter. Spent the afternoon listening to Christmas songs and baking with a backdrop of a real fire and Christmas lights twinkling....a shame it ended in me having a month's syns by gorging on the home made hazelnut biscuits.