Don't you just love it when...

Dyjliw Father Christmas has just called your DD and her face was just priceless - now it's Christmas!
DYJLIW the frantic rewrapping of all my daughter's presents actually worked and we still have a believer! She saw the parcels in the airing cupboard last night and went to bed saying she knew there wasn't a Father Christmas. All rewrapped in different paper and it seems to have worked :D

Merry Christmas everyone x x x x
M Louise H said:
DYJLIW the frantic rewrapping of all my daughter's presents actually worked and we still have a believer! She saw the parcels in the airing cupboard last night and went to bed saying she knew there wasn't a Father Christmas. All rewrapped in different paper and it seems to have worked :D

Merry Christmas everyone x x x x

Awww that is so sweet!!!
DYJLIW - you bend over to the xmas tree to pick up presents and hear your OH whisper to your Daughter and when you ask what hes whispering about he says - I just said "watch out here comes skinny minny" lol
DYJLIW you've had a lovely family christmas, have ate lots of bad food and have probably gained about half a stone...but you couldn't care less and certainly don't feel guilty! :D
.......all the Christmas 'goodies' have gone :) and I'm really looking forward to starting sw again next week after a few months completely off plan (I'm guessing that most of the 3 stone I lost this year has gone back on.....I'm too scared to get on the scales.....but I'm back in my 'fat' clothes). Found some photos of my sw meals on my phone earlier and it looked so bloody lovely! :) I can't wait to get back on plan :)

Oh and I'm really looking forward to starting a new food diary on here too :)
look forward to reading it mrstore and good luck

Thank you. I'm going to post pictures of my yummy meals in my diary. I started on new years eve last year, it'll probably be around then again this year. I'm not back at work until the 7th January so i'll have plenty of time to go food shopping and possibly do some batch cooking too :) can't wait!!!! :)
Ive just said to OH we need to use the stuff out of the freezer so that when we get paid and go shopping I can get some healthy stuff and cook and freeze