*Emsie* said:Dyjliw you are going on a spa day....even if it does mean have got to be up at silly o'clock on a Sunday morning!
Dyjliw you are going on a spa day....even if it does mean have got to be up at silly o'clock on a Sunday morning!
Jenna I'd love to see your 'leather' jacket as I'm looking for a new one right now and I'm veggie!
DYJLIW you realise Missys avatar is Pusheen cat! I must have looked at that image a dozen times a day but always thought it was a mouse!
.....when your hair smells all nice and clean![]()
This time in two weeks you won't have the sunday blues as you finish work on the Friday for a few weeks! I'm hoping just knowing that will make the next fortnight easier.
*Emsie* said:Ha ha should see mine! Still got all the oil and stuff on it from after my massage! stopped at the petrol station like it too....does smell nice though
Hahaha! Bet you look like you should be on Jeremy Kyle lol![]()
*Emsie* said:Ha ha ha what you talking about I'm not the father!