Don't you just love it when...


You are in recovery from an eating disorder and find a diet plan that makes a lot of the old disordered feelings go away - AND you find a community of people also following the diet plan who, instead of competing like the old ED community tended to, actively encourage and congratulate each other on everything from the smallest achievement to the biggest.

I feckin' love this place. ^_^
Harley Quinn, I couldn't have put it better myself. The weightloss is so secondary to me. I feel like for the first time in about 15 years my head is in a healthy place food wise. EDs are horrible things and coming to terms with them takes a long time and a lot of patient support - and there's a lot
Of that here :)

It's like all my old screwed-up 'rules' about food are slowly being replaced by the new, healthy 'rules' that Slimming World presents. :D
....when your mum reminds you that in February and March we don't pay any council tax :) we'll be £262 better off :)

I'd be even happier if it was one of the bills I pay, but it's not, this is on OH pays & you know I've no idea how much it is & I don't really care:D

Dyjliw you manage to stop in time so that you don't hit the boy who has just got off the bus and ran round the back of it and straight out in front of you!

OMG, I'm sure they just think you will stop & don't even think about seeing if it's safe, how you feeling, I bet it was a bit of a shock. I know a guy once ran out in front of my car & I missed him by millimetres, I was crying afterwards its such a shock.