Great gesture giving blood. Over here, I tried to once (as our Firm organises for a van to come to us), but people who've lived in Britain between 1980 and 1996 aren't allowed to! That told me!
Surely it shouldn't be a problem now, blimey some people can be so daft.
Absolutely it is important and lifesaving, Karin. Good on ya
P x
Thank you, thats how I've always felt about it, been too long since I last went.
Mad cow - love it.
Finding a job these days is horrid, I feel for the young kids too leaving school/ uni & no jobs to be had. I think that's why I'm reluctant to leave my company because I don't think I'd find anything that pays nearly as much
I agree, our DD wants to be a vet when she grows up, she's clever enough too so hopefully it will be a profession she can do and get a job.
Well I have succumbed, I have had the chocolate mug cake without oatbran, oh my it is so so yum, I'll have to be careful how often I have it, but its a fab little treat, esp with flavoured quark

I had the reduced amount of choc powder with it, think I might add flavourings next time, imagine coconut to be very tasty or even ginger.
In school tomorrow and we've got a mock ofsted inspection, so it means that instead of a normal friday relaxed day we have to act as thou its a weekday, which means I have to take a group for a literacy lesson and I'm so worried I cock it up. Its been a while since I did any supply cos they've got other people to do it. I know what the planning is and what I have to do, but well I am a worrier LOL. Its only likely to be for 15 mins too, LOL.
Food all good today, salmon omlette for lunch with cottage cheese and beef fajitas for tea with jelly and yog.
I tried running back from the post office today, didn't manage too long but I did longer than I would have a year ago. Was quite proud of myself LOL. also used some abs training equipment on my tummy LOL. very buzzy and weird LOL.