Sardines.....mine come in tins lol much easier xxx
So do mine usually, but they were reduced in Morrisons last week. 49p, you really can't go wrong can you, but I won't be buying again. i did manage to eat quite a bit of it, added some fine chopped veg and soy sauce and put it in lettuce leaves. But i couldn't finish it cos the fine bones were freaking me out LOL.
Keep plodding on DNSF (Karin?), you're doing amazingly well. Plateaus are the work of the devil but get through it one day/meal/hour/glass of water at a time x x
yes Karin. thank you, I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. I just need to keep plodding.
I must admit, I have succumbed tonight. One ice cream bar left in the freezer and since about 4.30pm I've been thinking about it and kept telling myself no, but then kept reasonining with myself that one ice cream wouldn't do too much damage, it hasn't before, can't take me out of ketosis just that one its now in my tummy LOL. Oh it was soooo nice. Wispa bar, outer choc was nothing great, but the inner choc ice cream was amazing. Yum.
I have a theory though, now bare with me. I have been on diets for years, many many >>>>> years ago I did a calorie diet, even advised and ran classes for a while, anywhoo, I had to eat 1500 calories a day in the begining, and it was a nice steady loss of maybe 2lb a week, on rare occasions I would maybe have something during the week i shouldn't have, more calories than normal, maybe out for a meal or counted something wrong. I would find that occasionally I would lose more in those weeks. The theory is that your body becomes complacent with what it is getting and needs a kick up the bum to make it start up again, having those extra calories made it 'kick' and it would lose more, not by much but a definate difference. I'm not saying that its the same with dukan, but for those of us that have a lot to lose we need occasional 'kicks' to keep us going, if for no reason than we need to get rid of the cravings.
So we will see eh? LOL.