Dukan ? hope so!

When i think about it, i was 10 when had my first set done, i went with a friend to the jewelers not even my mum!! she knew i was going to get them done, i had a terrible time after with infections and soreness until i put the gold sleepers in then they went ok, that's why im concerned about these studs.

I lost my dad 14 years ago, the anniversary is in a couple of weeks time. Cx
Paulinegin said:
Oh my, this is bringing back such memories, Collette!!

My best friend (who was 14) pierced my ears with a needle and ice cube when I was 9! Eek :eek: This was after my dear old dad had forbidden it but as I had very long hair, I thought I could hide it ...!!

I couldn't. He went bonkers!!! :D Anyway, the very next morning I was off and swapping my sensible gold posts for 'fashion' earrings. Ouch, pea-pod (as we used to (and still do!) call 'sore pierced ears') hell.

Dad's been dead 32 years but this is his second mention on the Dukan boards today. We all love our dads, 'eh girls? :)

P x

My dad pierced my ears with a needle he put in boiling water and used two brussel sprouts to numb them lol, I was 15 !!!
In my teens I had both ears pierced 5 times but now i've only got one set in. it was cool back then to have a an earful of studs :)
CPL I think they usually leave the studs in because its less chance to catch at them. But if its easier to put the sleepers in and you think you'll be able to get them in it might be best. I'm a scaredy cat so would probably be too wussy LOL
Oh what a weekend!! OH took me out on Friday for a very long walk to Delamere forest, great opportunity to try out my new pedometer app on my phone it worked fabulously, walked 5km, burnt 400 and odd calories and the weather was fab all was well. On the way back OH says are you hungry shall we get something to eat? We went to the local pub, one of these 2-for-1 places and there was nothing on the menu i could have, all the chicken and fish dishes were covered in breadcrumbs, I thought sod it! chicken burger and chips with salad, diet cokes x2. Was totally stuffed and didnt eat the rest of the day. Felt terrible yesterday all bloated and lethargic, well i know whats caused that!!

Saturday started well, jumped on the scales and i had put on 2lbs, (the 2 i lost last week) Wished i just come home instead of going for that stupid meal out. Made salmon fishcakes for lunch and chicken curry for tea, so back on track. Got the Dukan book out and read a few chapters and had a look at the recipes in there, its always good to refresh occasionally.

Went to the cinema to see the new Batman film, oh god it went on for hours!! Everyone was saying how much they enjoyed it, i didnt get it, maybe because its the last film in a series and i haven't seen the others? No popcorn, or sweeties or anything at the cinema, so well behaved.

Today ive been ok, back to the rhubarb and fromage frais for breakfast, chicken omelette for dinner and french mustard chicken for tea this evening. Been watching the olympics, what fabulous role models we have, i wanna row a boat, ride a bike but i dont fancy that triathlon swimming a lake, cycling in your cozzy and then running forever, the stamina those athletes have, just amazing! Collette x
Evening Collette, bet that meal has just caused water retention it sounds full of additives drink plenty of water Android don't do it again......your hand is now slapped lol. Is Mr.C still loosing weigh with you? Or was that just while his mouth was painfull? Xxx
Ive given myself a flaming good talking to Sid!! Planner is done for the week, planning to do more experimenting in the kitchen this week, there are a few things that i want to have a go at eg lemon curd, choux pastry thingys etc.

OH is still losing weight, hes stopped eating the choc biscuits and has cut down on the bread. Hes looked at my plan for the week and said that he likes all the meals im going to make! flaming cheeky bugger! he needs to learn how to cook them too!! lol
I lost my dad 14 years ago, the anniversary is in a couple of weeks time. Cx

Reading your posts about pierced ears Col got me thinking about my Dad, I wasnt allowed to have my ears pierced, he just used to say you are beautiful without earrings. Sadly he suddenly passed away when I was 16. So I had my ears pierced when my Mum had gone away to stay at my sister's for a few days, so I tickled off and had them done, she went bananas when she returned! So it will be 40 years on the 16th August since he went to heaven. Sad but happy memories of two very loving people.
So it will be 40 years on the 16th August since he went to heaven. Sad but happy memories of two very loving people.

Dad passed away 14 years ago on the 14th August, he had been suffering for about a year with lung cancer and secondaries were springing up all over the place. He was able to tell us what he wanted, and as he was a green keeper, he said he wanted his ashes scattered on the golf course, and hes there keeping a eye on the golfers passing by. x
Dad passed away 14 years ago on the 14th August, he had been suffering for about a year with lung cancer and secondaries were springing up all over the place. He was able to tell us what he wanted, and as he was a green keeper, he said he wanted his ashes scattered on the golf course, and hes there keeping a eye on the golfers passing by. x

one minute my dad was there next minute gone (massive heart attack) I was young and can't remember much of it but I can remember my outfit for the funeral - strange what you remember.
When it happens that fast it is a shock for those left behind, we knew, as did he, that it was a matter of time. My Dad was the life and soul of a party loved dancing and was a big part of the church running social clubs for the older folks, he loved it. When i got married the whole of the church community came to my wedding as his guests and when he died there wasnt any room in the church, people where standing outside, the turn out to say good bye was amazing he would have been well pleased. :)
Oh you guys, it's sad but lovely to hear you talk about your Dads, funny how you all have memories relating to pierced ears. I am truly grateful every day that mine is still here and in reasonably good health, I can't even think about it really, I will be devastated. I"m sure every anniversary is tough, I hope you're ok Collette. And I've been going on about my Dad so much on here lately, I should be more thoughtful, sorry.

Oh you guys, it's sad but lovely to hear you talk about your Dads, funny how you all have memories relating to pierced ears. I am truly grateful every day that mine is still here and in reasonably good health, I can't even think about it really, I will be devastated. I"m sure every anniversary is tough, I hope you're ok Collette. And I've been going on about my Dad so much on here lately, I should be more thoughtful, sorry.


Dont be daft Joodle its fab that you still have your Dad and that you can go on about him.

Dad waffle away - I love it and I know Collette will do too
And I've been going on about my Dad so much on here lately, I should be more thoughtful, sorry.


Oi you, we love hearing about your Dad and you're clearly a VERY thoughtful person.

Enjoy every minute and don't you dare stop telling us your funny, beautiful stories! :D

P x
You all have very big hearts. Jx
:D xxx
Hello my lovely just thought I would jump in now I'm a lot better! How are you getting on? Bug hugs Xxxx