Dukan ? hope so!

Hello what a gorgeous sunny day!! Summers here if only for a few days.

Had a bit of a hectic time over the last few days, choir had a social evening on a boat, food choices went out the window only choices of butties or cake. This turned into a huge derailment, chocolate breads and god knows what else, felt like kak yesterday wonder why? Lol

Back on track today and I've lost the 2 lbs I put on at the weekend, don't know how that happened:0 but I'm not complaining.

Off out for tea tomorrow night, that should be interesting x
Well done for getting back on the wagon :) it's not easy but as you quite rightly pointed out - you feel better for it :) nothing worse than CARBhangOVER :( x
Evening C, so many Dukeneers slipping the last few weeks, to many partys,weddings bbqs roll on winter when things quieten down lol only kiddin;)
CPL I think they usually leave the studs in because its less chance to catch at them. But if its easier to put the sleepers in and you think you'll be able to get them in it might be best. I'm a scaredy cat so would probably be too wussy LOL

They are still a bit sore think i may be developing a metal allergy, i think it may be easier to move them with sleepers, if i can get the backs off these flaming studs
Oh you guys, it's sad but lovely to hear you talk about your Dads, funny how you all have memories relating to pierced ears. I am truly grateful every day that mine is still here and in reasonably good health, I can't even think about it really, I will be devastated. I"m sure every anniversary is tough, I hope you're ok Collette. And I've been going on about my Dad so much on here lately, I should be more thoughtful, sorry.


Ah dont be daft!! its lovely hearing about what youve been up to, you always make me smile!! Cx
Morning folks!! Happy Sunday!! Well the sun has gone in for rest and i have one eye on the washing waiting for the rains to come.

Friday night went to the Fat Cat bistro with some friends from work, trying to find something to eat that is dukan friendly off the menu was a nightmare!! went for a fish platter thinking that it would be good, prawns, scallops, scampi and whitebait with tartare sauce and mayo (ditched) but when it came apart from the prawns and scallops everything was in breadcrumbs!! and there were hunks of bread, sometimes its just too hard :( and I just cant stop going out, i love going out, if i couldnt go out now and then then id be miserable. So i ate the fish ditched the bread and sauces had a couple of glasses of Rose, So will give it til tomorrow to see the damage.

Hubby has been practicing portraiture and lighting styles, makes a change from the usual landscapes lol Cx
Great photo its one of this pictures that when you see it makes me wonder what was on your mind x and your so right we still have to have a life not just sitting in the house being dukan good its finding the balance . Have a great Sunday Collette xxx
Great photo its one of this pictures that when you see it makes me wonder what was on your mind x and your so right we still have to have a life not just sitting in the house being dukan good its finding the balance . Have a great Sunday Collette xxx

Thanks, i think i look sad, but he wouldn't let me smile. Apparently he copied the lighting style from an old picture of Ingrid Bergman.

Life is too short to be sat in the house miserable and skinny, got to get the balance right, have a fab Sunday Sid xx
lovely photo Collette and dont worry about a few breadcrumbs it will be fine :) hope you had a good weekend
Thanks Chris, im happy with the downward trend im in no hurry to lose the weight. It took 2 years to put on, so realistically should take 2 years to get off? or sooner depending on how many celebrations we have to attend lol x
Well ive decided to have a few more PV days, the veggies fill me up and i dont want to snack on naughty things lurking in my cupboard. For tea tonight moussaka with BNS and veggie rosties, Salmon and veggies for lunch. 2 ff yogurts for snacks and rhubarb and fromage frais for breakfast stuffed now!

It'll be friday soon! then off work for a couple of weeks yay!! so ready for the break!
Mmmm your food sounds lovely xxx
Oh My I had forgotten all about rosties....I used to make them all the time for our tea, obv with potato in but lots of other substitutes...DD would eat them too.

Thanks for reminder hun x
Sounds as though you have some kind of peace of mind going on, that's wonderful :) Collette, I've anniversaries this month as well, near end of month is 11 years since dad died and 5 since mom passed (oddly these days are only 2 apart, albeit 6 years) - both of cancer. I always focus on the happy memories but invariably there are tears too.

I love the photo! It's uncanny, last October I attended a 2-day left brain drawing class (or is that right brain?) and this is what I drew as the final assignment:

CG. You are talented what a beautiful drawing xxx
Your too modest xxx but it does look like Collette doesn't it !!!!