Lol bug hugs gotta love my phone Xxxx
CPL I think they usually leave the studs in because its less chance to catch at them. But if its easier to put the sleepers in and you think you'll be able to get them in it might be best. I'm a scaredy cat so would probably be too wussy LOL
sad but happy memories eh Collette x
Oh you guys, it's sad but lovely to hear you talk about your Dads, funny how you all have memories relating to pierced ears. I am truly grateful every day that mine is still here and in reasonably good health, I can't even think about it really, I will be devastated. I"m sure every anniversary is tough, I hope you're ok Collette. And I've been going on about my Dad so much on here lately, I should be more thoughtful, sorry.
Great photo its one of this pictures that when you see it makes me wonder what was on your mind x and your so right we still have to have a life not just sitting in the house being dukan good its finding the balance . Have a great Sunday Collette xxx
Thanks Chris, im happy with the downward trend im in no hurry to lose the weight. It took 2 years to put on, so realistically should take 2 years to get off? or sooner depending on how many celebrations we have to attend lol xlovely photo Collette and dont worry about a few breadcrumbs it will be finehope you had a good weekend
CG. You are talented what a beautiful drawing xxx