Dukan Recipe Thread

i know wot u mean i was thinking of making a yog based one but im happy with cottage cheese !!
mmmmmmmmm i might try that ,do u use just natural yog !!
I've promised this recipe so here it is:
Dukan Bread in the breadmaker
(makes 6 days worth)

1.5 ts dried yeast for breadmakers
12 tb oatbran
6 tb wheat bran
6 eggs
6 tb Low-far Quark
a generous pinch of salt (optional)

I have listed the ingredients in the order I put them in the BM, your machine may be different!
Bake on 'rapid cycle', medium browning.
Now the original recipe comes from the French site again, so I'm not sure what the rapid cycle is! I tried the 'fast' (2hr) cycle on mine which results in less browning on top. Next time (next week), I'll try the 'white' cycle which is 3 hrs, although I'm not sure more rising time is going to help.

you can see the pictures: it makes a dense loaf, which will be a challenge to slice. Compared to the MW version it is less spongey (the oat has more time to swell), quite moist, like German Wholegrain Rye Bread.

I cut it into 6 even chunks for now and am then slicing them up every day (4 chunks went in the freezer). As there is little (no?) Gluten, it is fairly crumbly, and you definitely have to wait until is completely cooled down before starting to cut.

I like this better as you have a proper crust and associated tastiness compared to the MW version.
I'll be making some to take on holiday!


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you dont like eggs :)
nope :) did you?
Thanks for the oopsie roll recipe they are amazing but how do you stop them sticking to the baking paper? or do you not use baking paper?
mine have never stuck to the baking paper? they always slide/peel off?
Mine too. Maybe a little over/under cooked?
Praline recipe?????? Now i need to know about this. I could fill my moist cakes with it. Mmmmmmm.
Im off to the wonderful 99p shop today to buy some ramekins and sili muffin cases (its ther only place within 30miles of me that sells stuff like that!).
praline recipe in one page of this thread babe.