Dukan Recipe Thread

Well, the sauce wasn't as thick as I'd have liked (the other one coated the chicken better) but it tasted good! I had a sneaky bite of the other one, which is fairness tasted better, but I will definitely do it again. I'd probably simmer the sauce longer so that it's thicker before adding the chicken and baking it all.

All dukan-friendly ingredients, but I didn't have too much of the sauce as once the moisture is out of the passata, it's probably quite high in natural sugar. Will be one to test on guests another time. Not sure if the kids should have it though:confused:.
Quite new to this but like playing around with food and am trying to come up with quick fix meaty snacks to keep in the fridge as sausages are now out! Had some extra lean mince - not 5% but can't often get that in our little local Tesco, so browned it off in saucepan to render down any fat a bit. Added plenty of cold water and simmered for 1/2 hour or so, then put it in a pyrex jug and used potato masher to push mince below liquid level and squeeze any fat out of meat, left it in fridge until fat solidified on top. Skimmed fat off and seasoned with pinch of chilli, salt & pepper. Will use onion or garlic next time! Simmered uncovered until liquid reduced to just cover the mince. Blitzed in liquidiser and poured into plastic box. When chilled cut into slices or cubes and had for snacks or lunch. Quite filling and I shall play around with seasonings as I find out more about what is allowed. Can we have marmite?
I just typed you a long response and lost it aaah!
Briefly, cos I'm now in a hurry(!), here's a good site to help with the base knowledge... (Delicious Dieting - Dukan Diet Phase Description, Articles and Books) and feel free in your diary to ask ask ask away. There's always someone around to help out.

Hope your book arrives soon and well done on your inventive pate! Ii have a recipe somewhere for pate... will check it out when I get to work
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ohh and for marmite, hmm... anyone? here's the ingredients? I'd say a tentative OK in moderation cos of carb content, and careful of the salt?
Marmite - Nutrition
I sometimes stick a teaspoon of marmite into mince when making chilli or something instead of stock cube. Kind of treat it like soy sauce, too much will cause water gain.
Here's a pate recipe from my French site(never tried!):

Country Paté (Pâté de campagne)
Preparation : 15 mins : cooking time 20 minutes : Serves 6
OK PP and attack phase

12 slices of turkey bacon; 700g 5% fat mincemeat; 200g chicken livers; 1 onion; 4 cloves of garlic; thyme, origano, pepper, nutmeg

Blend 4 slices of the turkey ham, chicken livers, mincemeat and onion. Chop garlic, add to mixture along with all herbs.

Preheat your oven to Gas Mark 6.
Line a rectangular baking tin with the other slices of turkey ham so that they overhang the edges of the tin. Put the mixture in the tin, flatten it down, eliminate air bubbles by taping the tin on the table(!), then fold the overhanging turkey ham back over it.

Cook 20 mins. Leave to sit for 5 mins. Remove any excess fat(?). Leave to cool.
Dukan-friendly beef stew (PV)

Season beef (cubed) with salt and pepper, brown in frying pan then reserve. Chop all veg, soften onion in frying pan with a little water then transfer to large pan, add the beef and carrots. Cover with water, add a ff beef stock cube and some dried herbs (if liked) and cook for ever (until the beef is very tender) then add mushrooms for 10 minutes or so, drain off the sauce and thicken with small amount of cornflour or similar. Put sauce back in with the rest and reheat.

Is best made then eaten the next day (same as soup) and is obviously better with a splash of wine but not sure if that's a good idea or not?
Sounds good. Splash of wine is fine - he says to add leave the lid off the pan though so that the alcohol evaporates...
It's just a not-so-good (ie no wine, no lardons) boeuf bourgignon. I will refrain from putting a little wine in, it's usually the whole bottle minus a glass for the cook (hic) that goes in.
Hmm we just had this tonight and it was great. I comes from this month's edition of BBC Good Food Mag and all I did was remove the TB of oil used for frying the onions and all. So: use a good non-stick pan and dryfry!

I am reproducing it all here but we decided that next time I'll use half the vinegar or even red wine - after all you are cooking it all off.

Quick steak & mushroom stroganoff
Serves 2
Suitable for Cruise, PV

1 red onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp paprika (I used more)
1 green pepper, chopped
200gr mushrooms, sliced
2 TB red wine vinegar
150ml beef stock
200gr lean rump steak, sliced and all fat removed - (I used 300gr extra-lean beef escalopes)
150ml fat-free fromage frais (I used most of a 250gr tub of fat-free quark)

1, Fry onion for a few mins until soft. Add garlic and paprika, cook for 1-2 mins until fragrant. Add peppers and mushrooms, fry for 5-8 mins until softened.

2, Add the vinegar, boil to reduce until almost evaporated, then pour over the stock and bubble for a few mins until thickened slightly. Add the beef and cook for 2-3 mins depending on how rare you like it, then stir in the fromage frais and season.

Yum yum!!
yum indeed!
"Adapated" Rosemary Conley Lasagne / Moussaka!

Had this tonight for tea actually tasted ok though not sure if I should have griddled the aubergine first as I layered it raw but it still tasted good - but there's only my word for it as both girls had soup!
In the original it was quorn not mince so you could use quorn instead

2 large red onions (I used normal onions, just 1)
400g chopped toms
500g passata (I didn't use this)
2tsp thyme (I used mixed herbs)
1tsp vegetable stock powder (I didn't use this)
Sliced aubergine

For the "white sauce"
600ml skimmed milk
2tsp mustard powder
1tbsp cornflour
30g low fat cheese (I used very little)

Fry onion and garlic add mince and cook until brown
Add all remaining ingredients (I also added red pepper and carrot) and simmer for approx 20mins
Make the white sauce - heat milk and mustard powder in small saucepan. Mix cornflour with small amount of cold milk ten whisk into milk and mustard, season.
Now at this point it says to add white sauce to mince (which I did) though I think it may be better to leave it separate and either layer or use as a topping with some grated low fat cheese on it!
Simply layer aubergine (as if it were pasta), then mince, (then sauce if you fancy) and keep layering and pop into oven 180c for 35-40mins

Eh voila lasagne type mousakka type thing!!
Ps serving for roughly 6 people which makes all "tolerated food" ok (I think!) though I ate 2 portions!!
ive lost the dukan bread that was on here that was in the microwave and had yeast i think in it ....anyone know where it is ?
I made this because I wanted something like a biscuit or cracker

Oatbran biscuit

2 tbsp oatbran
1 tbsp wheatbran
1 egg
1 - 2 tbs water

mix together and put into a silicon sponge tin, or you could put into muffin cases and make small ones.

I add either sweetener or pepper depending on whether I want sweet or savoury and then bake at 180 for about 15 mins. If you can leave to cool in the oven when it is turned off and it goes crispier.

It is basically the galette without the yoghurt so it is less spongey.

I have the sweet one by itself or with some philly light and I have the savoury one with mackerel pate, made from mackerel and 0% greek yoghurt
Ohh they sound good must have a go, the pate sounds good too
Rhubarb Crumble

microwave 1 ramekin full of rhubarb with about 1 tbspn of water for about 3 mins.

drain excess fluid and then add sweetener to taste


Mix 2 tbspn oatbran, i tbspn wheatbran, 1 tbspn sweetener and approx 1 or 2 tbspn of water, until the mixture starts to kind of clump together and look a bit like crumble.

Spread the crumble over the fruit and bake at 180 for 20 - 30 mins.

I served with a big dollup of 0% fat greek yoghurt mixed with a little sweetener.

You could also use the topping without the sweetener to make a savoury crumle perhaps with chicken and philly?


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Will do this on my next PV day (already had my rhubarb for today)
Another take on the crumble
I love crumble!

I just French googled Crumble to see whether any inventive cooks have come up with an acceptable Dukan friendly version. I found this if anyone's brave enough to have a go and report back in:

- 4 tablespoons of oatbran ) therefore 2 for two days
- 2 tablespoons of wheatbran )
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 tablespoon of cornflour (tolerated food - Cruise only)
- 1 tablespoon of fat free fromage frais

It says to mix the brans together. Then add the other dry ingredients to get a well mixed powder. Then add the tablespoon of fat free fromage frais. With your finger tips, mix to obtain a more "lumpy" crumble mixture.

Cool in fridge.

Preheat your oven, hottest setting.
Place crumble mixture on your fruit.
Bake for 15 mins. Top should be crispy,below softer...

I'm tempted!
For my crumble I just put oatbran and sweetner (not too much it burns fast) on top of stewed rhubarb and stick it under the grill for 5mins. It dosent take long for the small amount to heat through.

Need to make sure the rhubarb isnt too damp else the crumble gets too soggy.