Dukan Recipe Thread

Over here we're on "nickname" terms with the guru... DUDU!!
Made some adaptations to a couple of recipes to make them Dukan friendly (I think please correct if I'm wrong hey I know you will!).

Mini non potato tortillas (just like a baked omelette really)
Beat eggs and skim milk
Put chopped chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes (whatever Dukan friendly things you have) in paper cases (though they stuck to these so maybe silicon ones)
Pop in oven 200c for 20 ish mins
Tasted nice with side salad but like I say welded to the paper cases!

Lemon Mousse type
Mix ff fromage frais, sweetener (to taste), rind & juice of a lemon
Put on heat and boil
Take off heat, add gelatine and strain into serving glass and chill
Mine was waaaaaaaay to tart but with less lemon juice it would have been quite yummy!
don;t think we're allowed lemon remind or lemon juice aside from to marinade meat.... lemon flavouring is ok on the other hand...
don;t think we're allowed lemon remind or lemon juice aside from to marinade meat.... lemon flavouring is ok on the other hand...

Wasn't sure on this as thought you could have with food (ie to add flavour) but not as a cordial? So if you could use a squeeze over your fish or chicken tandoori then a squeeze through the ff fromage frais would be ok? Maybe not the rind though? AAArrrrggghhhh why so confusing???????
i think the flavouring would be less sour too :)

I've used it in quark and fromage frais as mock buttercream in the sweetened muffins :)
i think the flavouring would be less sour too :)

I've used it in quark and fromage frais as mock buttercream in the sweetened muffins :)

Mock buttercream? what quantities do you use?
Ok, I am going to post some of my recipes - sorry if they are a bit vague but I tend to make up as I go along.

2 tbspn oatbran
1 tbspn wheatbran
1 egg
1 tbspn water

Mix together and then bake in a silicon sponge tin at around 180 for about 15 mins and then leave to cool. This creates more of a crisp biscuity texture than the galette and I have been using this in some of my other recipes. As it is it is nice with extra light philly or some kind of pate on it. It is also nice made with some sweetener.
Rhubarb Cheesecake

Make one oatcake

When cool top with stewed rhubarb combined with 30g philly extra light mixed with a little sweetener to taste. Be careful not to add too much juice.

Cool in the fridge until ready to eat
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Smoked Mackerel Pate

Blitz a couple of smoked mackerel fillets with a couple of tbspns 0% greek yoghurt. Vary the amount of yoghurt until you get the right texture.

I have been eating this with courgette crisps - basically sices of courgette that have been dehydrated in my dehydrator - I guess you could do this in the oven on its lowest heat.

It just feels nice to be eating something vaguely crisp-like.
Chicken Meatloaf

Blitz a couple of cups full of cooked chicken with some fresh herbs, a couple of tbspns 0% cottage cheese and 1 egg.

Spoon mixture into muffin tins and bake at 180 for about 15 - 20 mins.

Best served chilled.
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After all the cheesecake discussions here's my contributions!


Right I'm experimenting with this, so here are the first two versions! Pictures attached.

Cheesecakes 1 - with Cornflour.

250 gr quark
1 vanilla yoghurt
3 Eggs
2 TB cornflour
1 TB Splenda
1 tiny pinch salt
1/2 TS Vanilla Essence / Flavouring
lemon flavour
1 tb baking powder

Adapted from a real recipe so the lemon is the equivalent of 1/2 lemon, grated Zest and juice.
I panicked after absentmindedly adding the third egg so I added a second TB of cornflour.
Mix all together and beat well. Pour into silicone muffin moulds or bake in a big silicone cake tin.
Bake at 170C for c. 45 min until golden and risen / set.

I made 14 'cupcakes'. They came out lovely and fluffy and although they collapsed a bit they held their shape well. See pic 1. They tasted gorgeous but were kind of 'rich' so no problem in spreading consumption over 3 days (they contain cornflour which is a 'tolerated ingredient')

Cheesecakes 2 - no 'tolerated ingredients'

So after the first experiment I thought I should probably use less eggs so here goes:

250 gr quark
1 vanilla yoghurt
2 eggs
1 tb Splenda
tiny pinch of salt
1/2 ts vanilla essence
lemon flavouring for 1/2 a lemon
1 tb Agar FLAKES
1 tb baking powder

Mix all together and beat well. Pour into silicone muffin moulds (I used 12) or bake in a big silicone cake tin.
Bake at 160C for c. 60 min until golden and risen.

Now these were much flatter and collapsed. Tasted just a nice but a lot 'cheesier' because of one less egg!
You also have to leave them to cool so they set. I think the Agar just helps to absorb some of the moisture from the quark, rather than contributing to the rise and texture.

But in theory these are unlimited (up to the dairy allowance!). Same disclaimer as above - you won't eat them all in one sitting even though they're tasty! I made mine last 3 days again.

The first ones are a little nicer but I'll try the second recipe again with one more egg in it I think. but not until I've had a little break from cheesecake for now!


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They look lovely Anja!
Bit of a change of plan with the chicken tonight. Husband came home with ketchup, honey, etc and said he wanted BBQ chicken. So I improvised so that I could have some. It needs further experimenting with the amounts of passata/coke, but I've had a taste and it's not bad. (The others are having the honey one).

For PV days (or conso)

BBQ chicken

1/2ish carton of passata
finely chopped onion
curry powder (mild)
can of diet coke
2 chicken legs (might not eat both but they're done)

In a non-stick pan, soften onion in a little water then mix in the curry powder (I used quite a lot maybe a tablespoonful) and cook until it becomes paste-like (ie the water has practically evaporated). Add the passata and coke, stir well to mix and simmer for about 20 minutes until it starts reducing. Put in oven dish with chicken and bake in low oven for about 2 hours (this is ongoing but the sauce is good now and the chicken is falling off the bone). Just off to have a pre-dinner drink (that will be water for me ;)) then will eat, so will update with verdict tomorrow:).
Absolutely! waiting for your verdict (and can I presume that the "passata" was OK Dukan?)