Dukan Website

i was wondering where cheryl was ,i dont put dessert on my menu's because i dont know wether i fancy one are not !!

hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am ,you lot always cheer me up even when im down

thanks girls !!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to be of assistance. Now can you help me???? MArk wants a shirt ironing and i cant be bothered but hes in the bath and going to work in a min.
ill do it :D
if u was close to me and i was at work i would put it through the steamer at work !!
Ahh bless you hun. Its all done now, i hate ironing. A few mths ago i was in the dining room ironing all the uniforms and Oliver comes out and asks "mummy what you doing" so i replied "im ironing", he thinks for a while then says "thats just athetic!" (meaning pathetic), well i dont think i laughed so much. I mean, what can i say to that
lmao. when you tell him off do you laugh sometimes? my friends daughter was singing a song the other day and was just swapping around the first letters and ended up singing the f word.
I couldnt stop laughing and neither coupld she but she had to tell her off.
i was at my friends last night and her son was acting real daft ,u just had to laff ,he was on the wii lol ,hes 3 too !!
They can be so funny some times. He came in the room earlier and was being a right little so and so and just came out with "I love you mummy", you try telling him off then!
Just been reading the chat on dukan and

only ONE egg yolk per day !!!
One tablespoon balsamic allowed
no evening primose oil tablets allowed (so i presume cod liver is the same)

So thats me in trouble from the eggs and the cod liver oil.
thats what i thought. ive always taken cod liver oil and 2 eggs per day sometimes more. i really am not too happy with the descrepancies. as Jo says they seem to be playing to the masses now!!!
im sticking with what I know!
Think your much better off hun. Its been working so dont worry. It will turn into a way of eating soon rather than a proper diet and the book will turn it into a way of starvation and become unhealthy
Theres anther chat tomorrow maybe worth an ask.
Totally agree not to change what isnt broke though.
I think we have to be paying for coaching to use chat?