Dukan Website

If they're "not ready", they should wait...

And I hate reading pigeon English...


Tee hee yes before the forums opened I had a quick look around the general info and was amazed at the bad translations in some parts. Done on the very cheap me thinks, with no one actually backing up the UK side of things? Did not inspire confidence in the rest of the services promised for later so I've not really been back...
They should have someone over here doing it :D
They can't afford us!!
Is the pricing similar to in france for coaching?

As someone with loads to lose paying more than a months rent on it in one go just isnt feasable, especially as its not really ready. If it had been cheaper or able to pay in installments might have done it. But probably better off here wheres theres always someone a few steps ahead.
Yes Jaqys Im not sure I would be too happy with the info on there either with the state of the discussion boards lol
To be honest, I didn't check to see how much they'd have charged me to be coached...

But between you and me and the readers of this board, Jacky, there's nothing to stop you from creating another email address, and getting another true weight using a far lower start weight, and signing up for coaching to lose a stone, say.

In that time you'd have full access to the board for any and all information you might wish to glean... (I have a lot of recipes - I did translate a few in our recipe thread, and suggested if anyone had a particular request to try me and I'll see if there's one and translate it roughly.)

But we're around to help of course so if you're finding our sharp wit and cynicism to your liking, and Vicky's penchant for talking about number twos, then we're your coaches, girls!
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I do feel that speaking proper English ought to be a prerequisite to being a Mod or Coach on their boards!
exactly. It is sooo unprofessional!
Joanne, I'd love some recipes. I don't know if I've been a member of this site long enough to use private messaging or anything like that, but if so and you wouldn't mind, it would be great. No need to translate, obviously.
Where's Longratia gone????????????????
ah long story :D have changed it in case people searching for my kennel name decide to see how fat i am;) its very unprofessional x
I hear you... I have a different pseudo on my French website so I'm not keen on this one either! And in my signature, she's my real name (aka "she who eats") so it's all back to front for me!!

Can you change it yourself? Or does it have to be done by Admin?
lol. Admin has to do it. have changed my thread name now too.
Lol. its ridiculous. we should charge on here ;)
If we lived closer together, we could... and the money be used for soemthing useful (when someone got to target, say... or when someone had a good week, etc etc.). One area where internet does let us down...

We could have gold stars and lose some for bad behaviour? (I won't take any to start with - would avoid any tears and tantrums later!)
Lol. we could have the dogs and cats with us :D
haaaa! perhaps not! (If we brought our babies, others might bring theirs...!!)