Consolidation Dukandebut's Trying to Stay the Same Diary

I had another session on the Wii Zumba yesterday. Definitely seems to get better and I'm managing to keep up with the animated woman more. I probably still look like an idiot, but I'm really starting to enjoy it now.

I've been thinking more about Stab. Since Conso seems to be working well for me so far, I want to continue that as my basis for Stab - but with the addition of more tolerated items and things like a little dried fruit, flour and sugar when recipes call for them. However, I still intend to keep these to a minimum.

I put on a pound this week, with which I'm pleased as I'm still quite a way under target. I appear to have been hovering around this weight for quite some time now.

Not so much exercise today, with it being a weekend, but I plan on doing a little gardening since we managed to buy some really beautiful perennials to replace some of the plants which perished due to the very harsh winter weather. I can't wait to see them in-situ.

PV with gala meal 1 today:

B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Ham and tomato sandwich, yoghurt
D (Gala 1) Stuffed marrow gratin with salad, dark chocolate brownie
Have been rushing around a lot today and so am really tired. At least we got the planting finished - although we're 3 orchid primroses short and I can't find any locally.

Last night's gala meal was absolutely delicious, definitely one to make when we next have people over to dinner. Today is a PV with carb meal 1 and I'll be making some slightly Dukan-ised Yorkshire puddings and dry-roast potatoes for my carb portion. Roast beef always smells so amazing in the oven!

B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette with bread, yoghurt
D (Carb 1) Roast beef, Yorkshire puddings, dry-roast potatoes, broccoli, carrots and Dukan-friendly gravy, followed by crème au choc
Your dinner sounds heavenly. Yorkies are definitely doable (cornflour for flour - is that your switch? or do you have another idea?). Let us know how it goes! (Do you cook your beef the English way or the French way? I admit to avoiding roast beef in England cos I find it sooooo overcooked, if when people say it's "pink"!)
Your dinner sounds heavenly. Yorkies are definitely doable (cornflour for flour - is that your switch? or do you have another idea?). Let us know how it goes! (Do you cook your beef the English way or the French way? I admit to avoiding roast beef in England cos I find it sooooo overcooked, if when people say it's "pink"!)

I've never tried cornflour for Yorkshires - that's a good idea. For my carb meals, I just use a mix of wholemeal and little white flour. I know that you're supposed to eat wholemeal/complex carbs for Conso, but the hint of white lightens them up a bit and the amount in the couple of small Yorkshires I have isn't that much so I think it should be okay (for my weird metabolism, anyway!)

I do rosbif, I'm afraid. :eek: Although I cook it less than most English people so there's a hint of pink still in the middle. My local farm shop sells the most wonderful topside that melts in the mouth when roast. :D

I was in a bit of a rush yesterday and forgot to post my menu, so there are two lots today.

Yesterday: PV
B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette, bread, yoghurt
D Balsalmic roasted chicken breast with red and orange peppers and onion, followed by crème au choc

Today: PV with gala 2
B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Beef and onion sandwich, yoghurt
D (gala 2) Creamy celeriac soup with cheese and garlic pizza, followed by chocolate truffle torte and single cream
Just been ordering some clothes in the sale. I've finally decided to order them to fit me at this moment in time, not in one size up "just in case", as I have mostly been doing up until now. :eek: I guess that gives me an added impetus not to lapse back into my old chocolate-bingey habits.

I tried lesson 2 on the Wii Zumba yesterday. What the hell is that woman doing with her legs! :eek: There is no way I'll ever be able to move like that, it requires far too much co-ordination. Still, all of my enthusiastic attempts will surely have resulted in some good cardio work, I reckon.

Yesterday's soup was very good indeed. So much so that I shall be posting the recipe in case anyone else might want to try it.

PV with carb meal 2 today:

B Yoghurt with oatbran, orange juice
L Creamy celeriac soup, beef and onion sandwich, yoghurt
D (Carb 2) Roast red pepper beef with WM pasta and Parmesan, followed by crème au choc
I am itching to try that soup - I was going to have celeriac for lunch, but want the soup now - I may have to pop over to the village shop to see if they have any celery, which is all I am missing!
I am itching to try that soup - I was going to have celeriac for lunch, but want the soup now - I may have to pop over to the village shop to see if they have any celery, which is all I am missing!

Let me know what you think if you manage to try it, Mouse. Even my husband, who declared that he absolutely hates celeriac because he doesn't like it in the celeriac and swede-topped cottage pie, really loved this soup. Mind you, I didn't tell him what the ingredients were until after he'd tasted it! :D

I think it makes a good, light, fresh-tasting soup which is ideal for summer.
I will - I just popped across the road and got some celery. I am steaming some kale for my lunch now and I'm going to use the water later as my stock for the soup.
It was delicious! It was all I could do not to scoff the lot!!
I can't believe it's boring flipping Thursday again!! After my foray at the weekend, I can see how the boring Thursday fits into the big scheme of things, and also only weighing once per week!
Hope your soup worked out well, Mousie. :)

Today is the Dreaded Boring Day. Even worse, I forgot to make my PP muffins yesterday - what is it with my stupid memory at the moment remembering to cook stuff!

So here goes, an even sadder PP than usual...

B Yoghurt
L Turkey rashers with cottage cheese, yoghurt
D Galette, meatloaf, mini gherkin (to cheer myself up at not having any muffins), probably some kind of fromage frais dippy thing, followed by crème au choc
It was delicious! It was all I could do not to scoff the lot!!
I can't believe it's boring flipping Thursday again!! After my foray at the weekend, I can see how the boring Thursday fits into the big scheme of things, and also only weighing once per week!

We must have cross-posted, Mousie! I'm so glad you liked the soup. It's definitely going to be one of my new favourites.

As for Boring Days and once-a-week weighings - yup, there is a very good reason for them indeed. All of those choc truffle torte and brownies calories, sugar and fat don't just disappear into the ether, unfortunately (although wouldn't it be fantastic if they did! :D )
Yes indeed, I still weigh on a Friday :eek: though personally not so sure about doing it *this week*...
At the beginning of conso I did still do the odd mid-week weigh in, which for me personally was good as it reminded me that the Gala and extras of the weekend needed to be balanced out!

As for boring Thu - maybe I'm not as strict as you guys but I'm quite enjoying my food today:

B: Pancake (1 egg, 1 white, milk) with vanilla flavoured fromFrais
L: oatbran crispbread, 1 slice roast turkey, 1 Rollmops Herring in dill& fromfrais sauce, spiced orange tofu creme
S: Home made Vanilla yoghurt (DD1 will be scoffing a nice big after school snack to fill her up before her ballet class).
D: chinese chicken (using low salt soy sauce... I know, I know...) followed by WW toffee yoghurt.

I have a SF jelly in the fridge for later just in case :eek:

I think personally the Thursday boredom only sets in when I have to resort to too many eggs due to lack of planning, I think I'm quite sick of prawn omelette in the evening....
As for boring Thu - maybe I'm not as strict as you guys but I'm quite enjoying my food today:

B: Pancake (1 egg, 1 white, milk) with vanilla flavoured fromFrais
L: oatbran crispbread, 1 slice roast turkey, 1 Rollmops Herring in dill& fromfrais sauce, spiced orange tofu creme
S: Home made Vanilla yoghurt (DD1 will be scoffing a nice big after school snack to fill her up before her ballet class).
D: chinese chicken (using low salt soy sauce... I know, I know...) followed by WW toffee yoghurt.

I have a SF jelly in the fridge for later just in case :eek:

I think personally the Thursday boredom only sets in when I have to resort to too many eggs due to lack of planning, I think I'm quite sick of prawn omelette in the evening....

Wow, Anja, no wonder you're enjoying your PP day! You have much more culinary imagination than I do. If I lived nearer, I'd be popping around to yours to pinch your food! :D

Actually, my PP days aren't as strict as they should be. I'm sure I often put in too much onion and I occasionally add a small amount of my homemade ketchup. Seems to be working fine for me, though, despite the little cheats. I may have to tighten things up for Stab, but we'll see how it goes.
Yup. Scary Friday comes after Boring Thursday. ;)

No, what on earth am I saying! I'm an idiot with a useless memory! :eek:

It's Scary Saturday when I weigh-in, not Scary Friday. (And not just because it makes for a nice bit of illiteration. :D )

Well, the good news is that our girl cat has finally mostly forgiven me, after a few days of punishing me. However, the cringing away from my hand when I try and stroke her back will likely last for at least another couple of weeks.

My crime? I applied their back-of-the-neck anti-flea treatment - vital because of their allergies.

Whenever I do this, our boy never notices but our girl reacts as though I'm an evil sadist who is trying to give her an acid bath. Honestly, if anyone could see the way she behaves towards me afterwards, they'd report me to the RSPCA. :eek:

Thankfully, I am now able to stroke her without her cowering in absolute terror. :)

PV Burger Day:

B Yoghurt with apple juice
L Creamy celeriac soup with ham and tomato sandwich, yoghurt
D Galette, burger, homemade ketchup, grilled onions, gherkin and cheese, followed by crème au choc
Bit of a busy day, so am just quickly checking in. I'd STS when I weighed-in this morning - better than another loss!

PV with gala meal 1:

B Yoghurt with oatbran, apple juice
L Meatloaf, cheese and gherkin sandwich, yoghurt
D (Gala 1) Bangers and mixed root veg mash, red onion gravy and fresh garden peas, followed by dark choc brownie
Another very quick visit.

Today is PV with carb meal 1:

B Yoghurt with oatbran, apple juice
L Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette, bread, yoghurt
D (Carb 1) Beef stroganoff with a few baby potatoes and green beans, followed by crème au choc
I'm not good in this heat, but at least I finally get to wear my new summer dresses - hurray! The poor cats aren't happy. I can't imagine how awful it must be to have to wear a fur coat in this weather.

Anyway, I've got the cooling air fan ready for when I do my exercise shortly. I reckon it's time to crank it up to full blast.

PV day:

B Yoghurt with oatbran, apple juice
L Cheese, spring onion and mushroom omelette with bread, yoghurt
D Celeriac rosti with roast veg in a creamy (fat-free!) sauce with rump steak, followed by crème au choc
Dinner sounds lovely DD, how are you doing those veg in creamy sauce?

Assuming celerial is grated, excess moisture squeezed out, bound with egg/quark and dry fried? Yum!