** Chief WITCH **
Can't you make up the missing ration tonight? How funny that your cat made off with it!
Can't you make up the missing ration tonight? How funny that your cat made off with it!
That is really funny. You need CCTV!
Yes, windy here too - we sleep in the loft, I hate the sound! So resorted to earplugs and slept till 5.30am when DD2 decided it was time to wake up. Dispatched her back to bed for another 15 mins snooze before she came back and climbed into to bed with me ;-)
WOw amazed you can survive with that breafast! I have to add at least a 1egg pancake ;-)
Isn't it strange how when we allow ourselves the foods that got us in the heavy way previously they just don't cut the mustard the way they used to pre-low-carb? very strange xxx