Easter 2012 challange

Morning everyone

I have lost 1.5lbs this week. Really pleased with that as it means I am now 14st something rather than 15st something!

Next weigh in for me should be Sunday 18 March, but i'll be weighing in a day early as I am off on 'holiday' (bootcamp) on Saturday for a week. Fingers crossed for a decent loss.

Well done. That is a good feeling when you get to lower stones.
It's a treat to myself, though I think it will be a week of hell! I'll let you know what it's like!
What is that? sounds interesting. Do you hav eto follow their diet and exercise or can you carry on with SW but their exercise routine. Do they give you after support too or it is a week and that is it.
Plus 1...but not upset ad blaming brand new scales :)
378.5lbs (27st 1/2lbs) lost so far. Well done everyone. Next update Friday 16th March. Please let me know losses during the week and I update my list before uploading next Friday.

alimarton – 14lbs (6.5 lost – 7.5 to go)
Angem - 30 lbs (6 lbs lost, 24 lbs to go)
Artic_blonde_n_g - 20lbs (16.5 lost – 3.5 to go)

benji55 – 18lbs (8.5 lost – 9.5lbs to go)
brummie 20lbs (11.5lb lost – 8.5lbs to go)

Cai - 9 lbs (4lb lost - 5 lbs to go)
Catmonkey - 28lbs (9lb lost, 19 lbs to go)
Chloecat - 30lbs. (6lbs lost, 24lbs to go)
Chellibelle- 20lb (7 lost 13lbs to go )
Clairebear83 -30lbs (13lbs lost, 17lbs to go)
ColJack -30lbs (23.5lb lost – 6.5lb to go)
Corkscrew - 25lb (15lb lost - 10 to go)

Dory78 - 24lbs (16lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Downtown – 25lbs (13.5lb lost – 11.5lbs to go)
Dreamslim - 26lb (11lbs lost ~ 15lbs to go)

Eternalflame 21lbs (7.5 lost – 13.5 to go)

Fairymary = 24lbs (4lbs lost - 20lbs to go)
febbabe - 37lbs (10lbs lost 27lbs to go)

JimofTroy - 28lb (2.5lb lost, 25.5lb to go)
JoFlo2 - 14lb (3.5 lost, 10.5lb to go)

juejon -21 lb (3 lbs -18lb to go )
justjudith - 15lbs (7.5lbs lost, 7.5lbs to go)

kayla6002 - 20lbs (5lbs lost - 15lbs to go)

Lauratheloop 24lbs (6lbs lost 18lbs to go)
lizzielipps - 28lbs (4lbs lost 24lb to go)
Lilprincessvic - 14lbs (2.5lbs lost – 11.5lbs to go)
Lolacola83 22lbs (8.5lbs lost – 13.5to go)
lyndawood1958 - 30lbs (6.5lbs lost ~ 23.5lbs to go)

Melissajayne - 14lbs (2lbs to go – 12lbs to go)
mini_mim = 26lbs (20lbs lost - 6lbs to go)
misscookie =20lbs (2lbs lost - 18lbs to go)
mummykate = 20lbs (11.5lbs lost – 8.5lbs to go)
Muis - 35lbs - (23lbs lost, 12lbs to go)

not_lar_croft = 28lbs (6lbs lost - 22lbs to go)

Parfittarole = 10lbs (4lbs lost, 6lbs to go)
Princess_Stevie, 18lbs (1lbs lost, 17lbs to go)

rachaeld82 30lbs (16.5lbs lost, 14.5lbs to go)
Realslimlady 28lbs (3lbs lost, 25lbs to go)
Rosielea - 30lbs (15.5lbs lost, 14.5lbs to go)

Scorpiolady2710 = 20lbs (4lbs lost -16lbs to go)
Sillysausage (3.5lbs down, 22.5lbs to go)
Stmcalee01 14lbs (1lbs lost - 13lbs to go)

Tara40 28lbs (1.5lbs lost - 26.5lbs to go)
Tarty - 18lb (10lbs lost - 8lb to go)
Tickingewe92 - 17lb - (6.5 lost, 10.5 to go)

x_ali_x - 15lb (4lbs lost, 11lbs to go)

3stonetosexy -19lbs (6lbs lost 13lbs to go)

a_new_me – 20lbs (0 lost, 20 to go)
Alsmum (1.5 GAINED, 30 to go)
BlondeGem 18lbs (0 Lost - 18 to go)
Chocochick - 8lb. (0lb lost 8lb to go)
emilyfreda (0lbs lost 30lbs to go)
gettingfitat50 - 11lbs(0lbs lost,11lbs to go)
GoForIt - 20 lb (0 lb lost, 20 lb to go)
Hazebabes - 30lbs (0lbs lost 30lbs to go)
Icycreamy6 – 20lbs (0 lost – 20lbs to go)
Josiecat=23lb (0lb lost, 23lb to go)
Kitteh - 20 lbs (0lbs lost - 20 to go!)
louisa78 (0lbs lost, 20lbs to go)
MelodyUk = 30lbs (0lbs lost - 30lbs to go)
**punk*~*star** (0lbs lost, 30lbs to go)
Ria11 = 30lbs (pins lost, 30lbs to go )
Tig = 11lbs (0lbs lost, 11lbs to go)
WhatLiesWithin - 30lbs (0lbs lost, 30 to go)

Sad to say that we have gained 1/2lb this week. Either I am not getting all the losses on time or we have slowed down.

Hi Honey sorry seems my last couple of weigh ins havent been updated prob me not giving you the info. Due to be weighed again tomorrow so will give you a upto date loss then. Cheers
3stonetosexy - I'm going to Spain for a week, its just outside of Malaga. The company I am going with also do bootcamps in the Peak District too, but Spain was a bit more appealing to me!

Rosielea - its a week long residential bootcamp where you basically exercise a lot! The aim is to improve fitness and lose weight. We have to be up and ready at 6am everyday for an hours exercise before breakfast, then various activities during the day - walking, circuits, team games (netball etc), swimming, a bit of body pump. It is meant to be a very hard week, but also very rewarding.

The bootcamp prepare all food and you can't take in your own, so it will mean going off plan for a week, but the food is supposed to be super healthy, so it should be ok - lots of veg and meat by the looks of things. I'll get straight back on SW when I get back.
Hi Honey sorry seems my last couple of weigh ins havent been updated prob me not giving you the info. Due to be weighed again tomorrow so will give you a upto date loss then. Cheers

Yes please. Let me have your losses tomorrow and update the list to be published on Friday. Good luck with WI.
I know I'm a bit late in the game but could I join? Since the start of the year I've lost 21.5lbs which leaves me 8.5lbs to reach 30lbs by easter.
I know I'm a bit late in the game but could I join? Since the start of the year I've lost 21.5lbs which leaves me 8.5lbs to reach 30lbs by easter.

Of course you can join and welcome. Shall I put your target as 8.5lbs then. Which day your WI. I publish updated list on Fridays.
Of course you can join and welcome. Shall I put your target as 8.5lbs then. Which day your WI. I publish updated list on Fridays.

Thanks. My weigh in day is Weds.