Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

He gave us two months notice so we wanted to ne a pain and viv him 1! Hope we havnt shot ourself in the foot lol. Im sure it wont be a problem. Someone is valueing our house friday :( onwards and upwards ey! Just hope we get confirmation sooon!!!
Breakfast- frittata, porridge made with water banana and honey. Hexb and 1 syn

Lunch-beef casserole, muller light.fruit. Freddo (5)

Tea- spag bol. On broccoli and courgette spaghetti.
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What sauce did you make for your casserole? You're giving me casserole cravings!!!

I use two tins of tomatoes. Lots of paprika ( love it) stock cube, worcester sauce, bay leaves, i browned the beef in garlic and mustard. I think thats it! I could eat it every day!
No. I added lots of veg and butternut squah so was very chunky! It was in the oven for nearly 3 hrs. I have used smash before to thicken it
Tonights tea- courgette and carrot spaghetti, brocolli. Bolognase and one potato. With hexa cheese

Todays plan- 2 boiled eggs, satsuma.

Lunch- beef casserole again! Muller light and fruit.

Snacks- alpen light/ banana. Chicken bits

Tea- pork loin, veg. Maybe a couple of potatoes.

Plank challenge day 3- 30 secs
Squat challenge day 3- 60 squats
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Im doing mine after our dog walk. But know i will struggle. I get to 50 squats and my thighs burn!! Are they meant to be continuous..or can we do 25 stop then 25 plus the rest?
Wont rest today, but i cant gaurantee in a few days i wont lol! off to do it now...

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Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs. Muller light and fruit.

Lunch- alpen light (3) chicken casserole today! And some extra chicken

Snacks- freddo (5) carrot. Satsuma

Tea- sticky chicken (1 for honey) and noodles

May have porridge and another freddo (.melted in later)

Plank challenge and dog walk :)