Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

Morning Becki

How about doing frittata, scotch eggs, chicken pieces, falafels?

Have yourself a nice day. :)

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Ooooh they sound interesting! Let me know if they're nice ill look out for recipe. X

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Having a ' what to have for tea ' drama

Had my hexa and a pitta. I have fajitas but worried about the wraps! Don't have any salad or anything in. Ummmm
Fajitas...malteaser and wkd'm sure Pip will be a lot better than I have. I don't plan on eating all the chocs though. And I biked to work and home again! Good excuse? Lol

I'm on a training course For the next two Saturdays :((((( boohoo
Breajfast- cheese on toast hexa and b

Lunch- turkey slices. Grapes. Strawberries. Prawn cocktail crisps.

Tea -

No body magic but been on a course all day. 1 day weekend for me :(
Hi Beckie you work with EY dont you? What course did you do? Ive got to go on an intense safeguarding in a few weeks as im taking over in sep i have to take the roll of safeguarding officer im not looking forward to it i cried when i had to do the last safeguarding portfolio.
Hope your course werent too bad today. :)

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Hi Beckie you work with EY dont you? What course did you do? Ive got to go on an intense safeguarding in a few weeks as im taking over in sep i have to take the roll of safeguarding officer im not looking forward to it i cried when i had to do the last safeguarding portfolio.
Hope your course werent too bad today. :)

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As sad as it sounds I loved safeguarding. I have level 1+2 ...If there was a level 3 I'd do that too! I find it intriguing. Yet sad and so upsetting. My fave book is by Jane elliot ' the little prisoner' have you read it? It's sad and sick buy had me gripped. I'd love to work in safeguarding but not sure I'd cope.

Today I was on paediatric first aid. I did it three years ago but it needs re doing every 3 years :)
I agree with having me gripped but just so sick! Think having kids makes me worse. Im just glad ive never had to deal with anything like that. The one im going on is equivalent to a level 4 for preschool leaders so you must be able to get a L3 my 3 was incorperated in my last cache course.
First aid soooooo boring. Mines due next april. I would have been picking all sorts of food to keep awake. X

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Haha luckily the guy doing it was a bit of a laugh. But by 1 pm I was ready to come home! Back next Saturday too for my other half of it :/

Had a few naughties last night. Friends for Chinese ( finished it off for breakfast !)

Hubby is making a beef roast for lunch. Will make sure he uses fry lite
But I'm not cooking so wohoo!

I will spend an hour in the kitchen thus afters making pack ups. I'm making cheese scones using smash and cottage cheese.

On my monthlies again!!! Two weeks early. My body is all over the place. Today will be spent on the sofa. Watching TV! Although my pooch needs walking desperately
Morning! Chinese for breakfast, i thought i was the only crazy one eating my curry for breakkie this morning!
Kids werent impressed!

My body also all over the show and im actually beginning to wonder if its SW doing it?

Great to have a day off cooking love roast beef i smother mine in mustard powder mixed with a beef stock so use no oil and just slow roast it. Nomnom im hungry again.

Have yourself a relaxed day hope you dont suffer too much from totm. :)

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