Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

I think it's to do with my ears but I don't dare go to docs as I wouldn't know what to say :/ or they will say go for an eye test.

You can use syn's on gravy. Or use stock cubes and water. I will use syn's I think I always use less syn's on my day off
Yeah. Would they not pur the two together? Unsteady. Dizzy? I'm thinking about going docs Thursday as I've been putting it off for a while
Get yourself to a doctor, I work with ears :) it could be to do with your ears, but depending on how you're feeling depends where they would refer you. Dizziness can be horrible.

Good diagnosing guys! Haha love it.
How cool that you work with ears ! Deffo doctor. If I don't go Thursday you need to tell me off. I'm rubbish at getting help.

Mine and tatties

Hi Beck, never had mince and tatties but it looks quite nice and comforty. My hubby just looked at your picture and said he remembers having that a lot as a kid in Barnsley. :)
Deffo get your dizziness checked mate. X

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