eee look another food diary!

Quite a fraught little sunday all in all, had to take the kids to a birthday party, I know its bad but I hate awkward parent chat, the other mums seem nice enough but I'm not really a mumsy mum, and they're all a lot older than me, so I never really know what to say so just have awkward convo's, and 2 hours of it was plenty! Got home, put the sunday dinner on and need to finish the boys projects for school tomorrow and do some washing, never mind my uni reading for tomorrow, ahhh! Stuck to plan really well this weekend though so pretty happy with that, gonna do reds this week I think as I really want a good loss, the scales were up to 13st7 this morning, must be the thurs/fri off plan so need to get rid of that and maybe finally get back to my pre xmas weight! 5lbs to go!

RED DAY - Sunday

Breakfast : wmeal large slice (hexB) smoked ham and poached eggs

Lunch : leftover goulash (there was hardly any meat there, so really just paprika chopped tomato, garlic, onion and peppers!)

Snack : at the party : 3 cocktail sausages (4.5syns) 2 crispy bites (4.5syns) some cheese (hexA) 2 kinder mini's (3syns)

Dinner : Roast chicken, roast BNS, swede, carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas, shredded cabbage & shallots with bacon. Gravy (2syns)

Snack : 1 weetabix (half hexB) and some 1% milk (half hexA)

Drinks : tea and coffee (hexA) water, NAS squash



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hey love, i used to mix the plans quite a bit depending on how hungry I was, as I never used to feel full on red days, I think I was just cooking the wrong things though, as I have them sussed now! My original plan was to do a full week EE, full week red, then full week green as I've never actually done that before, just to see how I lost on each really. As last week was a bit of a write off doing my full red week now :) lost 2.5lbs doing EE for the full week, so I'll see how I get on with red, I weighed myself this morning as was 13st7 so I'll see how I do on friday! xx
Ohhh I just realised I never had my 2nd hexB today! And only 1 hexA! I'm super hungry now but I'm in bed so will just go to sleep and maybe have an extra weetabix tomorrow to keep me going as I probably won't have time for lunch :(
Feeling pretty good about the plan at the mo, so fingers crossed for Friday! Scales still not back to 13st5.5 but getting there! Man I wish I was back to pre Xmas weight already! Need to start exercising as I'm the same weight as last summer but much less toned, my arms look well flabbier :( was rubbish and woke up late for Uni and the sacked off my placement to spend some time with dan to try and sort things out a bit more. I kinda think we might be getting there.. Maybe... It's hard when you get older isn't it, like when you're younger you can just end relationships but when you're a bit older you try so much harder to make it work for the time you've invested, I get scared at the thought of being single again, I know I can do it, I just don't know if I want to!

Ok foods... Full steam ahead with the red week! Looking forward to curry night on Friday tho to have a load of rice!


Breakfast : 1 slice big wmeal toast (hexB) smoked ham and 2 poached eggs

Lunch : Ham salad (mixed leaves, cucumber, cabbage, carrot, celery, tomato) (0.5syn mayo x light) mini kinder (2syns)

Snack :apple, banana chopped into muller light toffee

Dinner : spag Bol (chopped tomato, onion, garlic, mushrooms, celery, carrot, pepper) wholemeal spaghetti (hexb) lots of salad. I might shred some courgette into my spaghetti to bulk it out yum! Parmesan (hexA) (1syn wine in the Bol) 1/6 asda tomato flatbread 114 so (6syns)

Snack : toffee muller, maoam sticks (4syns)

Drinks : water, tea and coffee (hexA)

Total SYNS : 13.5


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So, I've properly mfp'd today on red, and food wise all groovy, snuck a large glass of wine as a friend came round, and Im just 50 odd cals over (about 1300). Definitely didn't feel too tricky on red. So will carry on for the week and see whether I can get better results. WI tomo :\ thanks for your help x
Ah well done! That's well low! I've had loads today! Like 1800! Oops! Good luck for WI :) xx
Thank you! Just no more back on would be nice! :))
It def made me think about everything that I've eaten even more than normal, I do love red as I feel so much less bloated and painful, was less hungry for a change x
Ooo I've definitely over indulged today, I feel really bloated and yuck :( must be the bread I had, which I synned but it's been a while since I had white bread. Eurgh.
I always find it odd that pre sw I never even noticed how much white bread affected my bloatedness.. I do love it though;)
Ah I have ibs so white bread has always made me super bloated, wholemeal bread bloats me up too but at least I can't eat too much now!

How did your WI go? X
Ha, the WI is funny… last night and this morning I was convinced I should WI today. So I did, 1lb off :D BUT I WI on a WEDNESDAY lol! I am going mental…! (be nice if another 1/2lb drops between now and then ;)xx
Haha! Silly you! Well you never know I usually drop quite quickly on red days so fingers crossed you lose a bit more for tomorrow ;) xx
Ok foods today, need some inspiration for lunch as I'm a bit stuck at the mo! Red day plan coming along well but I have been at the chocolate again, I need to go cold turkey again I think! 3 days til WI, I hope I've lost as had to play catch up due to my little gain from party foods.

RED DAY - Tuesday

Breakfast : frittata (was SOOO nice!) quorn, bacon, peppers, red onion, courgette, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes. (20g low low - half hexA)

Lunch : smoked salmon and poached eggs with cherry tomatoes

Snacks : toffee muller,, maoam stick (1syn) mini crunchie (4syns)

Dinner : Hunters chicken with sw syn free bbq sauce, hexA cheese, potato wedges (hexB) SW coleslaw with apple and salad.

Drinks : water, tea and coffee (half hexA milk)



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oooooooooeeeeee just had a sneaky look at the scales as I was feeling very unbloated and a bit thinner, and it showing 13st4 exactly, looking well good for WI friday YAY!!
Hunters chicken is a fav of mine, yum! You're doing great, get a shred in and you may see the 12s fri!! x

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Hunters chicken is a fav of mine, yum! You're doing great, get a shred in and you may see the 12s fri!! x

Sent from my HTC Desire S using MiniMins

I can't be bothered to shred now :( but I have cleaned the house and done loads of washing and general tidying. I'm off uni the rest of the week so I think I'll do it tomorrow :) I can't believe I've been missing out! Jen it's so nice! The syn free BBQ sauce was fab as well, enough for lunch tomorrow too yey! Xx
Wow thats good. How much is that so far? Im tempted to do a few red this week. X

Well on Sunday I was 13st7, I need to stop scale hopping as somehow in the course of the day it's gone up to 13st9!!!!! I must retain water so badly!

How are you getting on? Xx