Consolidation Eilidh's 285 days of conso!

Massive hugs xxxx
Thanks Sid. My mums driving up (she's a star) and staying tomorrow too. I just want to see him with his head sorted out. X
Thanks p. I've woken up today feeling like I've been punched in the stomach. X
Thanks p. I've woken up today feeling like I've been punched in the stomach. X

Oh babe :(

I dont think there is anything anyone can say to make this any better right now, I know how I would feel and nothing would make it better.

All the best hunny, stay strong. xxxxx
Thanks Zoe. It's really sad, I just want to see him :( and I can't. Even if we were together I wouldnt be seeing him now but i just hate the fact I *cant* see him and I so want to. Cause when I feel down he sorts it. We both said we don't want to lose each other so would stay friends but I think I'll find it so hard too. I love him, he says he loves me, why can't things just work? 19months just gone like that. X
Ru sure it's not something that just needs a break
I did this to my OH 2 years ago because I was in a bad place and pushed everyone away for about a week, it took that week of being literally alone to realise that I needed people
Have you done all the talking you can? With most is a scared mechanism to say they want to be alone( very few actually mean It or can follow through with it)
If you need to talk of anything you know where everyone is, although mums are usually pretty awesome!!
Thanks Laura- my mum is currently on my sofa after driving up last night. With most folk I'd say being alone for a week would show them, but with Danny I don't think so. He does take weeks off work where he'll see no one for the whole week. At all. And enjoy it. He says he's tried to stop himself feeling like this but can't. He honestly sounds depressed at the moment, he's become so introverted, I really hope someone or something can help him. I also don't know what I'd do without seeing him :( I'd love it to just be a break cause this is breaking my heart but I think he's made his mind up. He thinks this is how he won't hurt me further down the line :(

Work will be a nightmare today. I already feel like crying. Urgh.
xeilidhx said:
Thanks Laura- my mum is currently on my sofa after driving up last night. With most folk I'd say being alone for a week would show them, but with Danny I don't think so. He does take weeks off work where he'll see no one for the whole week. At all. And enjoy it. He says he's tried to stop himself feeling like this but can't. He honestly sounds depressed at the moment, he's become so introverted, I really hope someone or something can help him. I also don't know what I'd do without seeing him :( I'd love it to just be a break cause this is breaking my heart but I think he's made his mind up. He thinks this is how he won't hurt me further down the line :(

Work will be a nightmare today. I already feel like crying. Urgh.

Take the day off and go out with your mum! Work is not the place to be today!
Have made it to lunch! Can't eat anything :( abba music on in gym- it's all about heartbreak. X
I'm so sorry Eilidh. I know it's no consolation but I've been there so I know how you're feeling. You sort-of saw this coming, didn't you? I know it's hard but I really don't think you should hold out any hope of getting him back. Just take one day at a time and, at the end of each day, congratulate yourself for surviving. Gradually, as the days add up, the pain will lessen. Look after yourself, lovely xx
Not holding any hope, just want him as a friend still. And am worried about him too. Don't want to lose my boyfriend and my best friend! Hopefully we can stay close. Otherwise I fear I'll end hating/ resenting him. X
Also rubbish diet day. Not eaten anything bad but not gor an appetite. At least no comfort eating!
Hang on in there xxx i know you wont can see in your diary that your now totally in control of your food. Find the strength you need to get through this xxx I know you don't want to hear this but maybe you love him too much to just be friends .....and to totally break away might in the long run help your broken heart to heal.....massive hugs xxx
Yeah that's worried me too, but id rather love him and stay friends than hate him and never talk. We've been thru too much for that, it'd be such a waste. He really is my best friend. Hopefully we can stay pals and look out for each other. X
chin up hun xx massive hugs for you
Oh Elli, so sad when a relationship comes to an end, chin up kid don't stop talking, he may just need time alone to realise what he is missing, much love xxx
Sending Muchos xxxxxxxxx chin up lovely, look after urself. Xxxxx
I still think you need to give yourself some breathing space first, before you try to be friends.

A broken heart is one surefire route to weight loss, but I hope your mum's preparing tempting morsels to keep body and soul together.

First full day without him nearly over. Hope you get some sleep tonight. Thinking of you xx
First full day nearly over yet we've taller more than when we were together! So I've probably failed by default!

Porridge and some m and s packaged meats tonight- roast beef, tongue and a wee bit ham. Added to the toast and cheese this morning and semi skimmed latte it's not much for a day!

Thank you ladies. I like being able to vent! I know football will be hard tomorrow cause I know my fuse is shorter. But I'll just have to be ok! Things will come right in the end. I know that'll mean being apart. But it'll be bearable!