Thank you ladies. I'm being so rubbish at keeping up with diaries I'm very pleased to hear from you on mine!!
Translation was "when you want to be properly with someone but don't know them well enough yet, so you're just seeing them but in reality you only have eyes for one person". His view. Different from the usual "seeing" view of it just being casual and can "see" others too. He's been a proper gent and we're taking things very slowly!
Must admit I enjoyed the gala! Didn't eat a finished cake (saint) so have saved for tomorrow (gala meal tomorrow, having a cake pre pub!)
Today I had poached eggs and bread (less than 60g but 4 slices no crust!) in a cup ie a daddy egg, then cheese, then m and s prawns and lamb in tomato and onion for tea (home made). Dr d says we can have some fattier meats on conso so I thought i'd try!