I've only just caught up - you're doing great, glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Some questions that came up:
Huge starch meal. Yes 200gr is too much for nearly anyone to manage really. There was some talk about it being officially permitted to split it in two (can someone check/ask the official chat?), but I would advise against it. Switch to two when you're at the half-way mark. Just have a normal portion and don't overeat. Also don't scrimp 'because you want to have enough left for tomorrow'.
Other starches: yes are permitted. I think the preferred 'order' is (always wholegrain type as far as possible): pasta -couscous - lentils and other beans - and rice and potatoes are at the bottom of the list. PP 121ff in the book. Personally I love Quinoa which is really high in protein to boot, it's just not mentioned in the 'old' edition of the book but I put it near the top of MY list. And there are other grains like Bulghur or Barley which work too.
I don't know about having extra bread instead, and was never tempted, I would go for something different for variety's sake.
As time went on and I got more confident I sometimes had a rice salad or leftover chilli with beans for lunch instead of my bread (so max 60gr of beans, rice etc), on a non-starchy meal day. Or lentil soup.
As for counting down the days: I would just take the whole weight loss, calculate the days, turn it into weeks and then mark an end date in the calendar. that way you have an immoveable target. It does not matter whether you gain or lose more in Conso, that should be you end target. I think I had 4 Months which took me right past Christmas (which was a good thing!)