Electric Lilac's diary

T.E.Bear i have all my fingers and all my toes crossed for both of us

That must make daily life a bit difficult !!! [LOL] but hey, I'm all for a laugh :giggle: Think I'll do likewise if it gives us a chance AND
will definitely mean we can't get our fingers INTO the Cookie Jar!!! :angeldevil:
true true Miss Bear lol...
You may, or indeed may not have noticed but I have updated my starting weight and my ticker today to a starting weight of 260, for the last 14 weeks i have been adding the 4lbs i lost in the run up to lipotrim in my head to my total weight loss lol, i dont know why. In the interest of celebrating every little success i have decided to add it to my stats i hope you don't mind.

While on this subject I am also thinking of upping or should that be downing my goal to 11 stone instead of the 11stone 7lbs that it is now. The problem however is that at the moment i have exactly 2 stone (28 lbs) left to loose and if i add the extra 7lbs it suddenly seems like a big number again 35lbs seems too much to have left after all this time. Its funny, i think for moral purposes i am going to keep it as is until i get to my initial goal then i'll go for the extra 7lbs lol.... anyhoo thats enough rambling about things no one else cares about but me lol
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We all care about the stats ... We work hard enough to change them. You have done amazingly well and it's right you add the initial 28 sausages, 'cause you worked hard to loose them too.

I understand your excitement of being only 28lb away from your goal - that must seem so manageable and doable with all you have lost now - that not insignificant 28% of you total body weight AMAZING !!! For what it's worth, I don't think you should change your end goal - it's what you've visualized ever since you stated so that's what you need to attain - as for going the 'extra seven' Well that will only be an extra 2-3 weeks SHOULD you choose when you get there!

Hope your work is going well - we miss you and the place isn't quiet the same without you - You, on the other hand, are probably having an exhausting time with no time to eat so you'll come back at least a stone lighter [in the 170's?] and telling us it's only another week till you start counting down the 'single digits' on your 'left to loose' scale... :wee:

So excited for you... Take Care and Catch up with you soon
I have been away working in a field for the last two weeks on a festival again and had no internet access hence the unusual lack of posts, anyway i am back now, tail between my legs sadly.....for i caved and have come back to weigh myself and i am the same as the day i left.

So the story goes... I got to site with my shakes knowing this two weeks was going to be very hard but fully intending to give it my best shot and everyone is cooing over how much weight i had lost since last year and wasn't it brilliant etc etc etc. I was on cloud nine and all motivated and lovely, did the first 5 days TFR sat through the 5 x happy eater breakfasts, 5 lunches, the chinese, the indian and 3 x bbq's having my shakes answering all the questions about how the diet works and all of that jazz. Day 6 came and was the 6th day of getting up at 7 am and working until 1am and i was tired and a whole load of other rubbish excuses, no scales to motivate, no forum to rely on blah blah blah and when it came to dinner that night i had a bit of grilled chicken. Anyway to cut a long story short by day 12 i was eating nachos !!!

So Miss Bear I have let you down, the single digits are still a little way off. I am drawing a line under the last two weeks, it could have been a lot worse a sts is not half as bad as i feared and back on the shakes 100% today with three weeks to go before i need to re-feed for my holidays, trying desperately not to dwell on should of, would of, could of's .... I reckon i can still loose another stone before Vegas so thats all good.

Hope you all have been a lot less naughty than i have been, looking at how your stats are all going down you must be. Very very glad to be back x
I think for you to have come back with a STS is amazing – you must be sooo exhausted and pleased to get back to sleeping in your own bed!!! :zz:

Hope you don’t find getting back to the 100% to difficult ... Keep smiling ... You are most definitely still a shining Star !!
:feedtroll: lol
drum roll please .......

i have a very important announcement...

as of this morning I am not obese anymore .... i'm just a bit fat lol


(Will update my stats and ticker accordingly when i have my official weigh in with the pharmacist but couldn't contain my excitement and had to share the news)
A girl after my own heart! - an Amazing Achievement - Well done you


I have to loose another 6lb before I get to only being 'overweight' [does it make us sad or just organised that we know such things ??? ]
Bloody well done girl... I can't wait to get out of the m******* Status.... but i'm not sad as i'm well on my way out of it!!! Well done sweetie!!! Your doing great!!! xxx
thank you both you lovely girls for all your kind words...

T.E.Bear ooo 6lbs is not a lot at all, you will be there in no time. i'll keep the mexican waving smilies close to hand in preparation for your celebrations x

Deezer hows your re-feed going ? have you stopped feeling guilty yet ? I hope so !! My other half bought me an anniversary present last week that you may be interested in, its a speedo aquabeat 2 waterproof mp3 player/radio and pedometer (how lovely is he, bless him lol)! I know you love to swim like i do, i'm going to try it out this afternoon, i think i'm going to put an audio book on it so i have to keep swimming to find out what happens next lol Will let you know if its any good maybe you could get someone to buy you one for your birthday...
thank you both you lovely girls for all your kind words...

T.E.Bear ooo 6lbs is not a lot at all, you will be there in no time. i'll keep the mexican waving smilies close to hand in preparation for your celebrations x

Deezer hows your re-feed going ? have you stopped feeling guilty yet ? I hope so !! My other half bought me an anniversary present last week that you may be interested in, its a speedo aquabeat 2 waterproof mp3 player/radio and pedometer (how lovely is he, bless him lol)! I know you love to swim like i do, i'm going to try it out this afternoon, i think i'm going to put an audio book on it so i have to keep swimming to find out what happens next lol Will let you know if its any good maybe you could get someone to buy you one for your birthday...

Oooooh they sounds ace!!! I want one!!! xxx
right so, i am definitely loosing a lot of hair now ! I have been putting off posting about it because i know its a lot of people's worry. I do have to say its not like i am getting bald patches or anything just that when i have a shower, brush my hair, take a hair band out etc more hair than normal is falling out, more than anything its just annoying having to clean the bathroom so much lol I'm sure it will all grow back when i am done so not too worried yet, bought a new hair brush that doesn't pull so much hopefully that will help fingers crossed.

Deezer have tried out my new mp3 finally (getting tunes on it was a bit tricky as it doesn't like my mac book but does like my other halfs, very strange) anyway now i have it all set up its bloody brilliant swimming with a sound track is lovely you feel all ethereal and the normal bordom that i used to find setting in after an hour once i had finished thinking about everything that was going on in my life is no longer. love it love it
right so, i am definitely loosing a lot of hair now ! I have been putting off posting about it because i know its a lot of people's worry. I do have to say its not like i am getting bald patches or anything just that when i have a shower, brush my hair, take a hair band out etc more hair than normal is falling out, more than anything its just annoying having to clean the bathroom so much lol I'm sure it will all grow back when i am done so not too worried yet, bought a new hair brush that doesn't pull so much hopefully that will help fingers crossed.

Deezer have tried out my new mp3 finally (getting tunes on it was a bit tricky as it doesn't like my mac book but does like my other halfs, very strange) anyway now i have it all set up its bloody brilliant swimming with a sound track is lovely you feel all ethereal and the normal bordom that i used to find setting in after an hour once i had finished thinking about everything that was going on in my life is no longer. love it love it

I so want one!!! I have been dropping hints like mad!!! Lol...

Your hair will be fine hun.... i invested in a good treatment and i hardly every blow dry or straighten.... I think its worth it.... it'll grow back sweetie!!!

How close to target are you now???

fingers crossed for you that someone gets the hint x

According to my scales I was 12 stone 13 this morning !!! (going to the pharmacy on thursday as i can't do my normal friday, will update my ticker etc then ). So, by my calculations thats 1 stone 6lbs or put another way 20lbs (i can't decide which one sounds less lol) left til my initial goal but i think i am going to add another 7lbs to my target loss to take it to 11 stone. I'll be on here for a little while yet x
My initial goeal was 11 stone..... but i'd be happy to get into a size 14..... thats my real goal!!! Do you think its addictive??? Did you have a size in mind when you started???? x
I have always dreamed of being a size 12 and thats kind-of what i was aiming for, but yes i think it could be addictive. I am in a size 14/16 now, I used to think that would be fine but now i am here i would like to see what i look like a size 12 (i have never seen me as a size 12). My saving grace on the addiction front is that i think curvy girls are far sexier than skinny skinny girls. I couldn't bare to see my OH's little face if i had no boobs left at the end of all this lol. Ideally i would like to have jessica rabbit's figure lol, failing that kelly brooks, or christina hendricks or any 1950's pin up girl, failing all of that i am happy to put up with my own just a size 12 ish version...
I have always dreamed of being a size 12 and thats kind-of what i was aiming for, but yes i think it could be addictive. I am in a size 14/16 now, I used to think that would be fine but now i am here i would like to see what i look like a size 12 (i have never seen me as a size 12). My saving grace on the addiction front is that i think curvy girls are far sexier than skinny skinny girls. I couldn't bare to see my OH's little face if i had no boobs left at the end of all this lol. Ideally i would like to have jessica rabbit's figure lol, failing that kelly brooks, or christina hendricks or any 1950's pin up girl, failing all of that i am happy to put up with my own just a size 12 ish version...
Your an inspiration lovely!!!!!