Elivira's on a mission to eliminate 100lbs!

im sure you will be x
Well it turns out I messed up my figures and actually had 8.5lbs to go for a BMI under 40 BUT I lost 3lbs this week so I'm only about 2 weeks away hurrah!!!

I walked about 6 miles yesterday during a shopping trip with my two friends from uni. My stomach muscles were aching so I've somehow managed to work them out. Probably all the bending and stretching to look for bargains!

I only spent £20 though which is rare for me. Maybe I'm ill...:p
Well done on spending so little :) I always end up spending a fortune when i go shopping lol
I can't believe how quickly the weeks are going by!!! This is day 5 of week 11. 75 days of Exante, and I'm 3st 5lbs down already. I didn't expect to be down by so much at this stage!!!

I'm hoping for 3lbs at least this week because that puts me at the 50lbs lost mark AND over the 3 and a half stone lost mark AND on the right side of 18 and a half stone.

I'm really craving pickled beetroot! I could eat a whole jar of the stuff with salad cream!!!!

But I won't...

I just found out that I have the chance to go on an excavation in Egypt in the summer depending on my marks and an interview (date to be confirmed) so I want to be slim and maintaining by then!!!
Egypt is a great motivator... I really hope that works out for you.
Congrats on your loss by the way three and a half stone is awesome - I've only managed a stone so far, but admitedly had a couple of blips.

Anyway, here's to a lighter October!

2.5lbs off for me this week.

It's a 6 day weigh in for me as I'm slowly working back to a Saturday weigh in from a Monday. Next week I'm weighing on a Saturday and the week after that I'm switching back to Cambridge hoorah!!!

I accidentally left my shake for longer than 15 minutes today and oh my God!!! It separated and looked totally minging! Needless to say I did not drink the rest of it!

I'm back at uni tomorrow yay! Beat my target by half a stone so I'm proud. Still a size 24 on the bottom :mad: but I'm about an 18 on top :) so hopefully my bottom will start catching up soon!!! I'm such a pear shape right now. I hate it!!!
Well done on the loss and Egypt.................am so so jealous. I'd be like a pig in poop!!

Go for it, Girl

good luck for cambridge hun xx im sure you'll do excellently :D

the shakes really do go gross quickly lol i do mine in a blender and if i dont clean the blender out straight away its absolutely minging!! i left it in the sink overnight once- never again! i thought i was going to puke :(!! xx
Congrats on seriously smashing your back to uni target and all the best for the new term
Well done on your progress and smashing your uni target - you are doing so very well, please keep it up and make Egypt a time in your life to treasure forever xx
excellent work hon!

I'm 3st 5lbs down already. I didn't expect to be down by so much at this stage!!!

Excellent work hon =)

I just found out that I have the chance to go on an excavation in Egypt in the summer

that sounds brilliant =)

i am already thinking about how to maintain....however much i am comfortable doing a vlcd, I dont want to be doing this on & off forever....

so nearer the time I would benefit from having a 'maintainence sticky' with some of us sticking to coming on here regularly & working out how to do maintainence (haven't been able to get that right yet)

the last thing i want to do is get that bit wrong & come back on here in 12-18 months to say i put it all back on again =(

here's to being slim & staying that way =)
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Definitely agree with your idea angie-bum. And I certainly don't want to be supping shakes for the rest of my life! xxx
Sheesh I've had such a busy week! I've been back at uni and really struggled to fit in all my water. As a result, I've only lost 1.5lbs this week. Gutted.

Made it my goal to drink 2.5l at least every day this week. I WILL shift more than 2lbs by Saturday!!!
i am already thinking about how to maintain....however much i am comfortable doing a vlcd, I dont want to be doing this on & off forever....

so nearer the time I would benefit from having a 'maintainence sticky' with some of us sticking to coming on here regularly & working out how to do maintainence (haven't been able to get that right yet)

the last thing i want to do is get that bit wrong & come back on here in 12-18 months to say i put it all back on again =(

here's to being slim & staying that way =)

I worried about maintenance, basically you have to find a diet that fits and stick with it for the rest of your life, now I know that sounds hard at this stage, being on a diet for the rest of your life, but if you truly love being slim when you get there then no food makes you want to lose that feeling. I have found Atkins to be my saviour, if you do it right you keep the cravings under control, I love cream, butter and all that sort of stuff and have found that my previous food of choice (bread) does not even bother me these days, like nothing more than piling tuna mayo, bolognaise, curry, or chilli in a romaine lettuce leaf and munching on that rather than rice, spuds, bread etc - the freshness and crunch gives such a textural satisfaction :D I can go out and buy beautiful rolls for my OH and rather than nick the corner I lick the butter off the knife lol - 4 months down the line and maintaining well :D it can be done.
Hey there

How's it going? Managing the water?
